User:Charles Matthews/DNB 9001-10000
- Williams, Eliezer - Williams, Frederick Smeeton - Williams, George (1762-1834) - Williams, George (1814-1878) - Williams, George James - Williams, Griffith (1769-1838) - Williams, Henry - Williams, Hugh William - Williams, Jane - Williams, John (1500?-1559)
- Williams, John (1582-1650) - Williams, John (1727-1798) - Williams, John (1757-1810) - Williams, John (1796-1839) - Williams, John (1753-1841) - Williams, John (1777-1846) - Williams, John (1792-1858) - Williams, John (1811-1862) - Williams, John Bickerton - Williams, Joseph
- Williams, Joshua - Williams, Montagu Stephen - Williams, Penry - Williams, Peter - Williams, Richard D'Alton - Williams, Robert (fl.1690) - Williams, Robert (1765-1827) - Williams, Robert (1787?-1845) - Williams, Robert (1767-1850) - Williams, Robert (1810-1881)
- Williams, Roger (1540?-1595) - Williams, Roger (1604?-1683) - Williams, Rowland - Williams, Samuel - Williams, Thomas (1513?-1566) - Williams, Thomas (1550?-1620?) - Williams, Thomas (1668-1740) - Williams, Thomas (1762?-1841) - Williams, Thomas (1760-1844) - Williams, Thomas Walter
- Williams, William (1634-1700) - Williams, William (1717-1791) - Williams, William (1739-1817) - Williams, William (1781-1840) - Williams, William (1801-1869) - Williams, William Fenwick - Williams, William Henry - Williams, William Mattieu - Williams, William Peere (1664-1786) - Williams, Zachariah
- Whitgift, John - Bancroft, Thomas (1756-1811) - Bandinel, Bulkeley - Bandinel, David - Bandinel, James - Banim, John - Banim, Michael - Banister, John (1630-1679) - Banister, John (d.1692?) - Banister, Richard
- Banks, John Sherbrooke - Banks, Joseph - Banks, Sarah Sophia - Banks, Thomas (1735-1805) - Bankwell, Roger de - Bankyn, John - Bannard, John - Bannatyne, George - Bannatyne, William Macleod - Bannerman, Anne
- Banting, William - Banyer, Henry - Baptist, John Gaspars - Barbar, Thomas - Barber, Charles (d.1854) - Barber, Charles Chapman - Barber, Christopher - Barber, Edward - Barber, John - Barber, Joseph
- Barber, Mary - Barber, Samuel - Barbon, Nicholas - Barbon, Praisegod - Barbour, John - Barclay, Alexander - Barclay, Andrew Whyte - Barclay, George - Barclay, Hugh - Barclay, John (1582-1621)
- Barclay, John (1734-1798) - Barclay, John (1741-1823) - Barclay, John (1758-1826) - Barclay, Joseph - Barclay, Robert (1648-1690) - Barclay, Robert (1774-1811) - Barclay, Robert (1833-1876) - Barclay, Thomas (fl.1620) - Barclay, Thomas (1792-1873) - Barclay, William (1547-1608)
- Barclay, William (1570?-1630?) - Barclay, William (1797-1859) - Barcroft, George - Bard, Henry - Bardelby, Robert de - Bardney, Richard of - Bardolf, Hugh - Bardolf, William - Bardsley, James Lomax - Bardsley, Samuel Argent
- Bardwell, Thomas - Barenger, James - Baret, John - Baretti, Giuseppe Marc' Antonio - Barff, Samuel - Barford, William - Barham, Francis Foster - Barham, Henry - Barham, Nicholas - Barham, Richard Harris
- Barham, Thomas Foster (1766-1844) - Barham, Thomas Foster (1794-1869) - Barham, William Foster - Baring, Alexander - Baring, Charles Thomas - Baring, Francis (1740-1810) - Baring, William Bingham - Barker, Andrew - Barker, Benjamin - Barker, Christopher (d.1549)
- Barker, Christopher (1529?-1599) - Barker, Collet - Barker, Edmond - Barker, Edmund Henry - Barker, Francis - Barker, Frederick - Barker, George (1776-1845) - Barker, George Robert - Barker, Henry Aston - Barker, James
- Barker, John (fl.1464) - Barker, John (d.1653) - Barker, John (1708-1748) - Barker, John (1771-1849) - Barker, Matthew (1619-1698) - Barker, Matthew Henry - Barker, Robert (d.1645) - Barker, Robert (1729?-1789) - Barker, Robert (1739-1806) - Barker, Samuel
- Barker, Thomas (fl.1651) - Barker, Thomas (1722-1809) - Barker, Thomas (1769-1847) - Barker, Thomas Jones - Barker, Thomas Richard - Barker, William (fl.1572) - Barker, William Burckhardt - Barker, William Higgs - Barking, Richard de - Barksdale, Clement
- Barksted, William - Barkworth, Mark - Barling, John - Barlow, Edward (1587-1641) - Barlow, Edward (1639-1719) - Barlow, Francis - Barlow, George Hilaro - Barlow, Henry Clark - Barlow, Peter - Barlow, Thomas (1607-1691)
- Barlow, Thomas Worthington - Barmby, John Goodwyn - Barnard, Edward William - Barnard, Henry William - Barnard, John (fl.1641) - Barnard, John (d.1683) - Barnard, John (fl.1685-1693) - Barnard, John (1685-1764) - Barnard, Thomas - Barnard, William (1697-1768)
- Barnard, William (1774-1849) - Barnardiston, Nathaniel - Barnardiston, Thomas (d.1669) - Barnardiston, Thomas (d.1752) - Barnes, Ambrose - Barnes, Barnabe - Barnes, Edward - Barnes, John - Barnes, Joshua - Barnes, Richard
- Fortescue, Adrian - Fortescue, Anthony - Fortescue, Edmund - Fortescue, Faithful - Fortescue, George - Fortescue, Henry - Fortescue, James - Fortescue, John (1394?-1476?) - Fortescue, John (1531?-1607) - Fortescue, Nicholas (1575?-1633)
- Fortescue, Nicholas (1605?-1644) - Fortescue, Thomas - Fortescue, William - Fortune, Robert - Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley - Foss, Edward - Foster, Augustus John - Foster, Henry - Foster, John (1731-1774) - Foster, John (1740-1828)
- Foster, John (1770-1843) - Foster, John (1787?-1846) - Foster, John Leslie - Foster, Michael - Foster, Peter Le Neve - Foster, Thomas (1798-1826) - Foster, Thomas Campbell - Foster, Walter - Foster, William - Fotherby, Martin
- Fothergill, Anthony (1685?-1761) - Fothergill, Anthony (1732?-1813) - Fothergill, George - Fothergill, John (1712-1780) - Fothergill, John Milner - Fothergill, Samuel - Foulis, David - Foulis, Henry - Foulis, James (d.1549) - Foulis, James (d.1688)
- Foulis, James (1770-1842) - Foulis, Robert - Foulkes, Peter - Foulkes, Robert - Fountaine, Andrew - Fountaine, John - Fourdrinier, Peter - Fournier, Daniel - Fowke, Francis - Fowke, John
- Fowke, Phineas - Fowler, Abraham - Fowler, Christopher - Fowler, Henry - Fowler, John (1537-1579) - Fowler, John (1826-1864) - Fowler, Richard - Fowler, Robert - Fowler, William (fl.1603) - Fownes, George
- Fowns, Richard - Fox, Caroline - Fox, Charles (1749-1809) - Fox, Charles (1794-1849) - Fox, Charles (1810-1874) - Fox, Charles Richard - Fox, Ebenezer - Fox, Edward - Fox, Elizabeth Vassall - Fox, Francis
- Fox, Stephen - Fox, Timothy - Fox, William (1736-1826) - Fox, William Johnson - Fox, William Tilbury - Fox, Wilson - Foxe, John - Foxe, Richard - Foxe, Samuel - Foxe, Simeon
- Foy, Nathaniel - Wogan, Charles - Fradelle, Henry Joseph - Fraigneau, William - Fraizer, Alexander - Frampton, John - Frampton, Mary - Frampton, Robert - Frampton, Tregonwell -- Francia, François Louis Thomas
- Francillon, James - Francis, Alban - Francis, Anne - Francis, Enoch - Francis, Francis - Francis, George Grant - Francis, George William - Francis, James Goodall - Francis, John (1780-1861) - Francis, John (1811-1882)
- Francis, Philip (1740-1818) - Francklin, Thomas - Francklin, William - Frankland, Jocosa - Frankland, Thomas (1633-1690) - Frankland, Thomas (1717?-1784) - Franklin, Eleanor Anne - Franklin, Jane - Franklin, John - Franklin, Robert
- Franklyn, William - Fitzgerald, James Fitzjohn - Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice (d.1540) - Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice (d.1579) - Fitzgerald, James (1570?-1601) - Fitzgerald, James Fitzthomas - Fitzgerald, Gerald (1487-1534) - Fitzgerald, Gerald (d.1583) - Fitzgerald, Gerald (1525-1585) - Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-1883)
- Bedwell, William - Fraser, James (1639-1699) - Franks, John - Franks, Thomas Harte - Fransham, John - Fraser, Alexander (d.1332) - Fraser, Alexander (1537?-1623) - Fraser, Alexander George - Fraser, Alexander Mackenzie - Fraser, Archibald Campbell
- Fraser, James (1700-1769) - Fraser, James (d.1841) - Fraser, James (1818-1885) - Fraser, James Baillie - Fraser, James Stuart - Fraser, John (d.1605) - Fraser, John (1750-1811) - Fraser, Louis - Fraser, Patrick - Fraser, Robert (1798-1839)
- Fraser, Robert William - Fraser, Simon (1667?-1747) - Fraser, Simon (d.1777) - Fraser, Simon (1726-1782) - Fraser, Simon (1738-1813) - Fraser, William (d.1297) - Fraser, William (1654-1715) - Fraser, William (1784?-1835) - Fraser, William (1817-1879) - Fraunce, Abraham
- Frazer, Andrew - Frazer, Augustus Simon - Fisher, Thomas (1781?-1836) - Fisher, William (1780-1852) - Fisher, William Webster - Fisk, William (1796-1872) - Fisk, William Henry - Fisken, William - Fitch, Ralph - Fitch, William Stevenson
- Fitchett, John - Fittler, James - Fitton, Alexander - Fitton, Mary - Fitton, Michael - Fitton, William Henry - Fitzailwin, Henry - Fitzalan, Bertram - Fitzalan, Brian - Fitzalan, Edmund
- Freeburn, James - Freind, John - Freind, Robert - Freind, William (1669-1745) - Freind, William (1715-1766) - Fremantle, Thomas Francis - Fremantle, William Henry - French, George Russell - French, Gilbert James - French, John
- French, Nicholas - French, Peter - French, William - Frend, William - Frere, Bartholomew - Frere, Henry Bartle Edward - Frere, James Hatley - Frere, John (1740-1807) - Frere, John Hookham - Frere, Philip Howard
- Frere, William - Fitzcharles, Charles - Fitzclarence, Adolphus - Fitzclarence, George Augustus Frederick - Fitzcount, Brian - Fitzgeffrey, Charles - Fitzgeffrey, Henry - Fitzgerald, Edward (1763-1798) - Fitzgerald, Edward (1770?-1807) - Fitzgerald, Elizabeth
- Fitzgerald, George (1611-1660) - Fitzgerald, George Robert - Fitzgerald, Gerald (d.1204) - Fitzgerald, Gerald (d.1398) - Fitzgerald, Gerald (d.1513) - Freston, Anthony - Freville, George - Frewen, Accepted - Frewen, John - Frewen, Thomas
- Frost, John (1626?-1656) - Frost, John (1803-1840) - Frost, John (1750-1842) - Frost, John (d.1877) - Frost, William Edward - Froucester, Walter - Froude, Richard Hurrell - Froude, William - Frowde, Philip - Frowyk, Thomas
- Fry, Edmund - Fry, Elizabeth - Fry, Francis - Fry, John (1609-1657) - Fry, John (1792-1822) - Fry, Joseph - Fry, William Thomas - Frye, Thomas - Fryer, Edward - Fryer, John (d.1563)
- Fryer, John (fl.1571) - Fryer, John (d.1672) - Fryer, John (d.1733) - Fulbeck, William - Fulcher, George Williams - Fulford, Francis - Fulke, William - Fuller, Andrew - Fuller, Francis (1637?-1701) - Fuller, Francis (1670-1706)
- Fuller, Isaac - Fuller, John (d.1558) - Fuller, John (d.1825) - Fuller, Samuel - Fuller, Thomas (1593-1667) - Fuller, Thomas (1654-1734) - Fuller, William (1670-1717?) - Fullerton, Georgiana Charlotte - Fulwell, Ulpian - Fulwood, Christopher
- Willis, John (d.1628?) - Willis, John Walpole - Willis, Richard - Willis, Robert (1800-1875) - Willis, Robert (1799-1878) - Willis, Thomas (1582-1660?) - Willis, Thomas (1621-1675) - Willis, Timothy - Willisel, Thomas - Willison, George
- Wills, Charles - Wills, James - Wills, John - Wills, Thomas - Wills, William Gorman - Wills, William Henry - Wills, William John - Willshire, Thomas - Willson, Edward James - Willson, Robert William
- Willughby, Francis - Willughby, Percivall - Willyams, Cooper - Willymat, William - Willymott, William - Wilmot, Edward - Wilmot, Henry - Wilmot, John Eardley (1709-1792) - Wilmot, John Eardley- - Wilmot, John Eardley Eardley-
- Wilmot, Lemuel Allen - Wilmot, Robert (fl.1568-1608) - Wilmot, Robert (d.1695) - Wilson, Mrs. - Wilson, Adam - Wilson, Alexander (1714-1786) - Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813) - Wilson, Andrew (1718-1792) - Wilson, Andrew (1780-1848) - Wilson, Andrew (1831-1881)
- Wilson, Anthony - Wilson, Archdale - Wilson, Arthur - Wilson, Benjamin - Wilson, Bernard - Wilson, Caroline - Wilson, Charles Heath - Wilson, Mrs. Cornwell Baron - Wilson, Daniel (1778-1858) - Wilson, Daniel (1816-1892)
- Wilson, Edward (d.1694) - Wilson, Edward (1814-1878) - Wilson, George (fl.1607) - Wilson, George (1818-1859) - Wilson, George (1808-1870) - Wilson, Harriette - Wilson, Harry Bristow - Wilson, Henry Bristow - Wilson, Horace Hayman - Wilson, James (1780-1847)
- Wilson, James (1795-1856) - Wilson, James (1805-1860) - Wilson, James Arthur - Wilson, John (1595-1674) - Wilson, John (1627?-1696) - Wilson, John (d.1751) - Wilson, John (1720-1789) - Wilson, John (1741-1793) - Wilson, John (1800-1849) - Wilson, John (1785-1854)
- Wilson, John (1774-1855) - Wilson, John (1780-1856) - Wilson, John (1804-1875) - Wilson, John (1812-1888) - Wilson, John Mackay - Wilson, John Matthias - Wilson, John Morillyon - Wilson, Margaret - Wilson, Nicholas - Wilson, Richard
- Wilson, Robert (d.1600) - Wilson, Robert (1803-1882) - Wilson, Robert Arthur - Wilson, Robert Thomas - Wilson, Rowland - Wilson, Thomas (1525?-1581) - Wilson, Thomas (1563-1622) - Wilson, Thomas (1560?-1629) - Wilson, Thomas (1747-1813) - Wilson, Thomas (1764-1843)
- Wilson, Thomas (1773-1858) - Wilson, William (1690-1741) - Wilson, William (1799-1871) - Wilson, William (1783?-1873) - Wilson, William (1808-1888) - Wilson, William James Erasmus - Wilson, William Rae - Wilson, Wiltshire - Wilson-Patten, John - Winchcombe, John
- Winchelsea, Robert de - Winchester, John - Windebank, Francis - Windele, John - Windet, James - Windeyer, Charles - Windeyer, Richard - Windeyer, William Charles - Windham, Charles Ash - Windham, Joseph
- Winslow, Forbes Benignus - Winsor, Frederick Albert - Winstanley, Gerrard - Winstanley, Hamlet - Winstanley, Henry - Winstanley, John - Winstanley, Thomas - Winston, Charles - Winter, Edward - Winter, John
- Winter, Samuel - Winter, Thomas (1572-1606) - Winter, Thomas (1795-1851) - Winterbotham, Henry Selfe Page - Winterbotham, William - Winterbottom, Thomas Masterman - Winterbourne, Walter - Wintersel, William - Winterton, Ralph - Winterton, Thomas
- Winthrop, John (1588-1649) - Winthrop, John (1606-1676) - Wintour, John Crawford - Wintringham, Clifton (1689-1748) - Wintringham, Clifton (1710-1794) - Winwood, Ralph - Winzet, Ninian - Wisdom, Robert - Wise, Francis - Wise, Henry
- Wise, John Richard de Capel - Wise, Michael - Wise, William Furlong - Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen - Wiseman, Richard - Wishart, George (1513?-1546) - Wishart, George (1599-1671) - Wishart, James - Wishart, John - Wishart, Robert
- Wissing, Willem - Witchell, Edwin - Withals, John - Witham, George - Witham, Robert - Wither, George - Withering, William - Witherington, William Frederick - Witherow, Thomas - Withers, Thomas
- Wogan, Edward - Wogan, John - Wogan, Thomas - Wogan, William - Woide, Charles Godfrey - Wolcot, John - Wolf, Josef - Wolfe, Charles - Wolfe, David - Wolfe, James
- Wolfe, Reyner - Wolff, Joseph - Wollaston, Francis (1731-1815) - Wollaston, Francis John Hyde - Wollaston, Thomas Vernon - Wollaston, William (1660-1724) - Wolley, Edward - Wolley, John - Wolley, Richard - Wolman, Richard
- Wolrich, Humphrey - Wolrich, Thomas - Wolseley, Charles (1630?-1714) - Wolseley, Charles (1769-1846) - Wolseley, William (1640?-1691) - Wolseley, William (1756-1842) - Wolstenholme, Dean (1757-1837) - Wolstenholme, Dean (1798-1883) - Wolstenholme, John - Wolstenholme, Joseph
- Wombwell, George - Womock, Laurence - Wood, Alexander (1725-1807) - Wood, Alexander (1817-1884) - Wood, Andrew - Wood, Anthony - Wood, Charles - Wood, David Edward - Wood, Edmund Burke - Wood, Ellen
- Wood, George (1743-1824) - Wood, George Adam - Wood, Herbert William - Wood, James (1672-1759) - Wood, James (1760-1839) - Wood, James Athol - Wood, John (fl.1482) - Wood, John (d.1570) - Wood, John (fl.1596) - Wood, John (1705?-1754)
- Wood, John (1801-1870) - Wood, John (1811-1871) - Wood, John (1825-1891) - Wood, John George - Wood, John Muir - Wood, John Philip - Wood, Mark - Wood, Mary Anne Everett - Wood, Matthew - Wood, Searles Valentine (1798-1880)
- Wood, Searles Valentine (1798-1880) - Wood, Searles Valentine (1823-1877) - Wood, Shakspere - Wood, Thomas - Wood, William (1609-1691) - Wood, William (1671-1730) - Wood, William (1745-1808) - Wood, William (1774-1857) - Wood, William Page - Woodall, John
- Woodard, Nathaniel - Woodbury, Walter Bentley - Woodcock, Martin - Woodcroft, Bennet - Woodd, Basil - Wooddeson, Richard - Woodfall, George - Woodfall, Henry Sampson - Woodfall, William - Woodford, Alexander George
- Woodford, John George - Woodford, Samuel - Woodford, William of - Woodforde, Samuel - Woodham, Mrs. - Woodhead, Abraham - Woodhouse, James - Woodhouse, Peter - Woodhouse, Robert - Woodhouse, Thomas
- Woodington, William Frederick - Woodley, George - Woodman, Richard (1524?-1557) - Woodman, Richard (1784-1859) - Woodroffe, Benjamin - Woodrooffe, Anne - Woodrow, Henry - Woods, Joseph - Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison- - Woodville, Anthony
- Woodville, Lionel - Woodville, Richard - Woodville, William - Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke - Woodward, George Moutard - Woodward, Henry - Woodward, Hezekiah - Woodward, John - Woodward, Richard - Woodward, Samuel (1790-1838)
- Woodward, Samuel Pickworth - Woodward, Thomas (1801-1852) - Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson - Wooler, Thomas Jonathan - Woolf, Arthur - Woolhouse, John Thomas - Wooll, John - Woollett, William - Woolley, Hannah - Woolley, John
- Woolley, Joseph - Woolman, John - Woolner, Thomas - Woolrych, Humphry William - Woolston, Thomas - Lindsay, David (1547?-1607) - Wootton, John - Worcester, William - Worde, Wynkyn de - Wolsey, Thomas
- Paston, Clement - Paston, Edward - Paston, John (1421-1466) - Paston, John (1442-1479) - Paston, Robert - Paston, William (1378-1444) - Paston, William (1479?-1554) - Pastorini, Benedict - Pastorius, Francis Daniel - Patch, Richard
- Patch, Thomas - Pate, Richard (d.1565) - Pate, Richard (1516-1588) - Pate, William - Pater, Walter Horatio - Paterson, Alexander - Paterson, Charles William - Paterson, Daniel - Paterson, Emma Anne - Paterson, James
- Paterson, John (1632-1708) - Paterson, John (1776-1855) - Paterson, Nathaniel - Paterson, Robert - Paterson, Samuel - Paterson, Thomas - Paterson, William (1658-1715) - Paterson, William (1755-1810) - Pateshull, Hugh de - Pateshull, Martin de
- Pateshull, Peter - Pateshull, Simon de (d.1217?) - Pateshull, Simon de (d.1274) - Pateshull, Walter de - Patey, Charles George Edward - Patey, Janet Monach - Patient, Thomas - Patmore, Peter George - Paton, Andrew Archibald - Paton, David
- Paton, George - Paton, James (d.1596) - Paton, James (d.1684) - Paton, John Stafford - Paton, Mary Ann - Paton, Richard - Patrick, John - Patrick, Richard - Patrick, Samuel - Patrick, Simon (d.1613)
- Patrick, Simon (1626-1707) - Patrington, Stephen - Patten, George - Patten, Robert - Patten, Thomas - Pattenson, Matthew - Patterson, John Brown - Patterson, Robert (1802-1872) - Patterson, Robert Hogarth - Patteson, John (1790-1861)
- Patteson, John Coleridge - Patti, Carlotta - Pattinson, Hugh Lee - Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow - Pattison, Granville Sharp - Pattison, Mark - Pattison, William - Patton, George - Patton, Philip - Pattrick, George
- Paul, Lewis - Paul, Robert Bateman - Paul, William de - Paul, William (1678-1716) - Paulden, Thomas - Paule, George - Paulet, Amias (d.1538) - Paulet, Amias (1536?-1588) - Paulet, Charles (1625?-1699) - Paulet, Charles (1661-1722)
- Paulton, Abraham Walter - Paveley, Walter - Paver, William - Paxton, George - Paxton, James - Paxton, John - Paxton, Joseph - Paxton, Peter - Paxton, Stephen - Paye, Henry
- Paye, Richard Morton - Payne, George (1781-1848) - Payne, George (1803-1878) - Payne, Henry Neville - Payne, John (d.1506) - Payne, John (d.1647?) - Payne, John (d.1787) - Payne, John Willett - Payne, Joseph - Payne, Peter (d.1455)
- Payne, Peter (1763-1843) - Payne, Ralph - Payne, Robert - Payne, Roger - Payne, Thomas (1719-1799) - Payne, Thomas (1752-1831) - Payne, William (1650-1696) - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
- Payne, William Henry Schofield - Payne Smith, Robert - Paynell, Thomas - Paynter, David William - Paynter, William - Peabody, George - Peacham, Henry - Peacock, Barnes - Peacock, Dmitri Rudolf - Peacock, George (1791-1858)
- Peake, Richard Brinsley - Peake, Robert - Peake, Thomas - Pearce, Edward Lovet - Pearce, Nathaniel - Pearce, Samuel - Pearce, Thomas - Pearce, William - Pearce, Zachary - Peard, George