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importScript('User:Inductiveload/Running header.js');

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
		{ name: 'welcome', template: '{{subst:welcome}} ~~~~', position: 'after', editSummary: 'welcome!', forNamespaces: 3 },
		{ name: 'center-b', template: '{{c|\'\'', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'center-a', template: '\'\'}}', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'header-D', template: '|DARWINISM|CHAP.', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'ref', template: '<ref></ref>', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'left sidenote', template: '{{left sidenote|', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'RL sidenote', template: '{{RL sidenote|', position: 'cursor' },
		{ name: 'RunningHeader', script: function (context) { RunningHeaderAutoComplete(); } },
// </nowiki>

// importScript('User:Inductiveload/Roman numerals.js');  
// importScript('User:George_Orwell_III/Custom toolbar buttons.js');