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 * Annotation switching
 * complain to User:Inductiveload
 * 22-02-2021 - Updated to gadget style with persistent storage

(function($, mw) {
  //Map of properties of the different categories of visibility switch
  var classUIProperties = {
    "typographic-long-s": {
      "selector": ".typographic-long-s",
      "category": "arch-typo",
      "text1": "s",
      "text2": "ſ",
      "text": "long s (ſ)",
      "title": "long s (ſ)",
      "buttonID": "t-showhide-long-s"

    "extiw": {
      "selector": "#mw-content-text .extiw",
      "category": "links",
      "text": "interwiki links",
      "title": "links to external Wikimedia projects",
      "buttonID": "t-showhide-extiw"

  var strings = {
    show: "Show $1",
    hide: "Hide $1"

  var categories = {
    "arch-typo": {
      "is_set": function(props) {
        return $(props.selector + ":first").text() !== props.text1;
      "set": function(props, show) {
        $(props.selector).text(show ? props.text2 : props.text1);
    "links": {
      "is_set": function(props) {
        return !($(props.selector + ":first").hasClass("disabledlink"));
      "set": function(props, show) {
        $(props.selector).toggleClass("disabledlink", !show);

  function store_setting(key, show) {
    mw.cookie.set(key, show, {
      prefix: "gadget-typography"

  function get_setting(key) {
    return mw.cookie.get(key, "gadget-typography", null) === "true";

  function show_hide_str(show, what) {
    return (show ? : strings.hide).replace("$1", what);

  function update_link(props, shown) {
    var linkText = show_hide_str(shown, props.text);
    var linkTitle = show_hide_str(shown, props.title);

    $("#" + props.buttonID + " a")
      .attr("title", linkTitle)

  // a function to allow custom
  function setupVisibilityButton(key) {

    var props = classUIProperties[key];
    if ($(props.selector).length === 0) {
      // no elements of this type

    var cookie = get_setting(key);
    var shownAlready = categories[props.category].is_set(props);

    if (cookie !== null) {
      // apply the cookie value
      if (shownAlready !== cookie) {
        categories[props.category].set(props, cookie);
      shownAlready = cookie;

    } else {
      store_setting(key, shownAlready);

    var click_handler = function(key, props) {
      var shown = categories[props.category].is_set(props);
      categories[props.category].set(props, !shown);
      update_link(props, shown);
      store_setting(key, !shown);

      "#", "", props.buttonID, "");
    update_link(props, !shownAlready);

    $("#" + props.buttonID)
      .click(function(e) {
        click_handler(key, props);

  function install_css() {
    var css = ".mw-content-text a.disabledlink { color: inherit; }";

  // finally, fire the setup, when loaded
  $(function() {
    Object.keys(classUIProperties).forEach(function(key) {

}(jQuery, mediaWiki));