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 * Simple CSS to reveal some common constructs like the boundaries of
 * boxes, etc

.wst-toc-table {
    outline: 1px dashed lightblue;

.table-of-contents {
    outline: 1px dashed tomato;

.wst-div-col {
    outline: 1px dashed teal;

.wst-div-col::before {
    white-space: nowrap;
    font-size: 0.5rem;

.wst-toc-table::before{ content: "{TOC begin}"; }
.table-of-contents::before{ content: "{TOCstyle}" }
.wst-div-col::before {   content: "{div col}";  }

big, /*small,*/ tt, font {
    outline: 1px dashed pink;

center {
    outline: 1px dashed orange;

table[align], tr[align], td[align], div[align] {
    outline: 1px dashed purple;

center::before, big::before, small::before {
    white-space: nowrap;
    font-size: 0.5rem;

center::before { content: "<c>"; }
big::before { content: "<bg>"; }
/*small::before { content: "<sm>"; }
div.wst-freedimg {
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span.wst-freedimg {
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.wst-block-center {
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.wst-block-right {
    outline: 1px dashed lime;

.wst-block-left {
    outline: 1px dashed lime;

.dropinitial {
    outline: 1px dashed lime;

.wst-gap {
    border-bottom: 1px dashed lightgreen;

.wst-dhr {
    border: 1px dashed grey;
    visibility: visible !important;

.poem {
    border: 1px dashed blue;

/* misnested spans */
span div, span p, span table, p div, p p, p table {
    border: 1px solid red;

/* one day fixed by [[phab:T49544]], but for now show a bit to make it obvious if the linter is exploding */
.reference-text div, .reference-text p {
    border: 1px dashed orange;