Note: After saving, changes may not occur immediately. Click here to learn how to bypass your browser's cache.
  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Cmd-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (Cmd-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Clear the cache in Tools → Preferences

For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/* One-click "Without text" */
mw.loader.load('// text.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript')

***Linter errors
// linter config object
var myLintHints = { };

//  lint in all namespaces
myLintHints.rooms = "*";

// communicate user defined object
mw.hook( "lintHint.config" ).fire( myLintHints );

// finally, load gadget
mw.loader.load( "" );

***Option for nop gadget, from Inductiveload
mw.user.options.set({ 'nopinserter_auto_advance': true });

***Without Text, from Hesperian
$(function() {
	var qualityContainer = document.getElementById('wpQuality-container');
	if (!qualityContainer) return;

	var quality0 = qualityContainer.getElementsByClassName('quality0');
	var withouttext = quality0[0].childNodes[0];

	withouttext.addEventListener('click', function() {
		document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value = "";
		document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
		document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";

***Eye strainer, from Inductiveload  [[File:Links to Eyestrainer]]
//function colourBackground( pageBG, editboxBG, fontColour, linkColour, newLinkColour, extLinkColour){
//	$('#content').css('background-color', pageBG)
//	$('#content').css('color', fontColour)
//	$('a').css('color', linkColour)
//	$('.new').css('color', newLinkColour)
//	$('.extiw').css('color', extLinkColour)
//	$('textarea, input').css('background-color', editboxBG)

//if (mw.config.get('wgAction') == "edit" || mw.config.get('wgAction')=="submit"){
//	$( function (){setTimeout("colourBackground('#DDD', '#DDD', '#222', '#22F', '#BA0000', '#33F')", 100)});

$(function() {
	var qualityContainer = document.getElementById('wpQuality-container');
	if (!qualityContainer) return;

	var quality0 = qualityContainer.getElementsByClassName('quality0');
	var withouttext = quality0[0].childNodes[0];

	withouttext.addEventListener('click', function() {
		var textbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];

		if (-1 == textbox.value.indexOf("{{iwpage")) {
			textbox.value = "";
		document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
		document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";

// <nowiki>
$(function() {
	var qualityContainer = document.getElementById('wpQuality-container');
	if (!qualityContainer) return;

	var quality2 = qualityContainer.getElementsByClassName('quality2');
	var problematic = quality2[0].childNodes[0];

	problematic.addEventListener('click', function() {
		if (document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value == "{{missing image}}") {
			document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0].value = "/* Problematic */ {{missing image}}";
			document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
			document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";
		} else if (document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value == "{{raw image|{{sub" + "st:PAGENAME}}}}") {
			document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0].value = "/* Problematic */ {{raw image}}";
			document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
			document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";
		} else if (document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value == "{{bad page scan}}") {
			document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0].value = "/* Problematic */ {{bad page scan}}";
			document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
			document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";
		} else if (document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value == "{{bad image scan}}") {
			document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0].value = "/* Problematic */ {{bad image scan}}";
			document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
			document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";
		} else if (document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0].value == "{{missing table}}") {
			document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0].value = "/* Problematic */ {{missing table}}";
			document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0].value = "";
			document.getElementsByName('wpFooterTextbox')[0].value = "";
// </nowiki>

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
	** Register scripts
		// stuff I routinely do at the start
		{ name: 'headerMpaa', script: headerMpaa },
		{ name: 'custom', script: customMpaa },
		{ name: 'footnote', script: footnoteMpaa },

		// stuff I routinely do at the start
		{ name: 'header', script: header, forNamespaces: 'page' },
		{ name: 'blockcenter', script: blockcenter, forNamespaces: 'page' },
		{ name: 'clean up', script: function(editor) { cleanup(editor, false); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey: '<' },
		{ name: 'clean up (poem)', script: function(editor) { cleanup(editor, true); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey: '<' },
		{ name: 'uc', script: uc, forNamespaces: 'page' },

		// stuff I can do any time
		{ name: 'title', script: maketitle, accessKey: 't' },
		{ name: 'author', script: author, accessKey: 'a' },
		{ name: 'author (surname first)', script: surnameFirst, accessKey: ',' },
		{ name: 'small-caps', script: smallcaps, accessKey: 'c' },
		{ name: 'lower', script: lower, accessKey: 'l' },
		{ name: 'upper', script: upper, accessKey: 'u' },

		// stuff I do at the end
		{ name: 'hws', script: hws, accessKey: '8', forNamespaces: 'page' },
		{ name: 'hwe', script: hwe, accessKey: '9', forNamespaces: 'page' },
		{ name: 'makeref', script: makeref, forNamespaces: 'page' },
		{ name: 'footer', script: footer, forNamespaces: 'page' },

		// stuff I only do via shortcuts; if I could create these shortcuts without adding them to the sidebar, I would.
		{ name: 'ligature', script: ligature, accessKey: '-' },
		{ name: 'diaresis', script: diareses, accessKey: ':' },
		{ name: 'acute', script: acute, accessKey: '\'' },
		{ name: 'grave', script: grave, accessKey: '`' },
		{ name: 'circumflex', script: circumflex, accessKey: '6' },
		{ name: 'pagename', script: putpagename, accessKey: 'n' },
		{ name: 'reload', script: reload_page_image }

	** Define scripts
	 * Convenience function: convert some text into title case.
	function titlecase(text) {
		// split text into individual words and examine them one by one
		var textArray = text.toLowerCase().split(" ");
		for (var i in textArray) {
			switch (textArray[i]) {
				case "a":
				case "an":
				case "and":
				case "as":
				case "at":
				case "but":
				case "by":
				case "etcetera":
				case "etc.":
				case "for":
				case "from":
				case "in":
				case "nor":
				case "of":
				case "o'":
				case "on":
				case "or":
				case "the":
				case "to":
				case "with":
				case "versus":
				case "vs.":
				case "v.":
				case "yet":
					break; // don't capitalise articles, "to" as part of an infinitive, prepositions or short conjunctions
				default: // capitalise everything else
					textArray[i] = textArray[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + textArray[i].substring(1, textArray[i].length);

		// capitalise first word regardless
		textArray[0] = textArray[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + textArray[0].substring(1, textArray[0].length);

		// capitalise last word regardless
		var last = textArray.length - 1;
		textArray[last] = textArray[last].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + textArray[last].substring(1, textArray[last].length);

		// reconstruct title
		var titleCase = "";
		for (i in textArray) {
			titleCase += textArray[i];
			if (i < last) titleCase += " ";

		return titleCase;

	function customMpaa(editor) {
			.replace(/'(?!\w)/g, '"')
			.replace(/ '/g, ' "')
			.replace(/^'/m, '"')

			.replace(/”/g, '"')
			.replace(/“/g, '"')
			.replace(/’/g, "'")
			.replace(/‘/g, "'")
			.replace(/ ([;|:|\?|!])/g, '$1')
			.replace(/ $/mg, '');

	function headerMpaa(editor) {
		var textArray = editor.get().split('\n');
		var text = textArray[0];

			.set(text.replace(/(\d+)?\s?((\s?([A-Z]|[a-z])+[\.|'|’|–|—|-]?)+)\s?(\d+)?/g, '{{rh|$1|$2|$5}}'));

		textArray.splice(0, 1);

	// just mark it with <ref></ref> tags and continue.
	// Once you've got to the end of the page and proofed the references, simply highlight each reference in turn,
	// and use this function to move it to its proper position.
	function footnoteMpaa() {
		var editbox = $('#wpTextbox1').get(0);
		editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/<ref>footnote<\/ref>/g, '<ref></ref>');

		var refStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var refEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		var firstref = editbox.value.indexOf('<ref></ref>');

		var str = editbox.value.slice(refStart, refEnd);
		str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

		if (firstref !== -1)
			editbox.value = editbox.value.slice(0, firstref + 5) + str + editbox.value.slice(firstref + 5, refStart) + editbox.value.slice(refEnd);

	function cleanup(editor, poem) {
		var headerbox = editor.forField('#wpHeaderTextbox');
		var footerbox = editor.forField('#wpFooterTextbox');

		// anything noincluded at the start or end of the edit box should be pushed into the header and footer respectively.
		if (editor.get().match(/^<noinclude>/)) {
			var e = editor.get().indexOf("</noinclude>");

			// append to header a trimmed version of whatever is inside the leading noinclude
			headerbox.append('\n' + editor.get().substr(11, e - 11).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''));

			// remove leading noinclude from editbox
			editor.set(editor.get().substr(e + 12));

		if (editor.get().match(/<\/noinclude>$/)) {
			var s = editor.get().lastIndexOf("<noinclude>");

			// prepend to footer a trimmed version of whatever is inside the trailing noinclude
			footerbox.prepend(editor.get().substr(s + 11, editor.get().length - s - 11 - 12).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + '\n');

			// remove trailing noinclude from editbox
			editor.set(editor.get().substr(0, s));

			// remove trailing spaces at the end of each line
			.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n')

			// remove trailing whitespace preceding a hard line break
			.replace(/ +<br *\/?>/g, '<br />')

			// remove trailing whitespace at the end of page text
			.replace(/\s+$/g, '')

			// remove trailing spaces at the end of refs
			.replace(/ +<\/ref>/g, '</ref>')

			// remove trailing spaces at the end of template calls
			.replace(/ +}}/g, '}}')

			// convert double-hyphen to mdash (avoiding breaking HTML comment syntax)
			.replace(/([^\!])--([^>])/g, '$1—$2')

			// remove spacing around mdash, but only if it has spaces on both sides
			// (we don't want to remove the trailing space from " follows:— ",
			// bearing in mind that the space will already be gone if at end of line).
			.replace(/ +— +/g, '—')

			// join words that are hyphenated across a line break
			// (but leave "|-" table syntax alone)
			.replace(/([^\|])-\n/g, '$1');

		// stuff to do only if the page doesn't contain a <poem> tag:
		if (editor.get().indexOf("<poem>") === -1) {
				// lines that start with " should probably be new lines,
				// if the previous line ends in punctuation,
				// other than a comma or semicolon
				// and let's get rid of trailing space while we're at it
				.replace(/([^\n\w,;])\n\" */g, '$1\n\n"')

				// lines that end with " should probably precede a new line,
				// unless preceded by a comma,
				// or unless the new line starts with a lower-case letter;
				// and let's get rid of preceding space while we're at it
				.replace(/([^,])\ *\"\n([^a-z\n])/g, '$1"\n\n$2');

			if (poem) {
				// for poems I want to preserve line breaks
				// by inserting hard breaks
				editor.replace(/([^>}\|\n])\n([^:#\*<{\|\n])/g, '$1<br/>\n$2').append('<br/>');
			else {
				// remove single line breaks; preserve multiple.
				// but not if there's a tag, template or table syntax either side of the line break
				editor.replace(/([^>}\|\n])\n([^:#\*<{\|\n])/g, '$1 $2');

			// collapse sequences of spaces into a single space
			editor.replace(/  +/g, ' ');

			// dump spurious hard breaks at the end of paragraphs
			.replace(/<br *\/?>\n\n/g, '\n\n')

			// remove unwanted spaces around punctuation marks
			.replace(/ ([;:\?!,])/g, '$1')

			// unicodify
			.replace(/&mdash;/g, '—')
			.replace(/&ndash;/g, '–')

			//OCR fixes
			// convert i9 to 19, etc.
			.replace(/[il]([0-9])/g, '1$1')

			// "the", "them", "their", etcetera
			.replace(/tlie/g, 'the')

			// remove "�"
			.replace(/�/g, '')

			// "U" -> "ll" when preceded by a lowercase letter.
			.replace(/([a-z])U/g, '$1ll')

			// replace "float center" with "block center"; original template name was misleading enough be warrant routinely fixing
			.replace(/\{\{float center/g, '{{block center')

			.replace(/<center>\s*([.\n]*?)\s*<\/center>/g, '{{center|$1}}');

		// temporary fix just for Portrait
		if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man') !== -1)
			editor.replace(/\n\n\n/g, '\n\n');

	// automatically insert running header into header box
	function header(editor) {
		var pagenum = parseInt((mw.config.get('wgTitle').match(/\.djvu\/([0-9]+)/) || {})[1], 10);
		if (pagenum == null)
		var isEven = (pagenum % 2 === 0);

		var headerbox = editor.forField('#wpHeaderTextbox');
		var headertext;
		var generic = true;

		for (var f in specialFormats) {
			var format = specialFormats[f];
			if (location.href.indexOf(encodeURI(format[0].replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/\'/g, "%27")) !== -1) {
				headertext = isEven ? format[1] : format[2];
				generic = false;

		// no special header matched, use a generic running header
		if (generic) {
			headertext = isEven
				? '{{running header|left=|center=}}' // assume verso, with page number at left
				: '{{running header|center=|right=}}';

			$.trim(headerbox.get() + '\n' + headertext)

		// if this is unproofed text, then delete the first line of the OCR text, which presumably is raw OCR of the header we've just inserted
		var proofed = $('#pagequality').length && !$('#pagequality').is('.quality1');
		if (!proofed)
			editor.set(editor.get().slice(editor.get().indexOf('\n') + 1));

	// insert formatted references into footer box, if needed.
	function footer(editor) {
		var footerbox = editor.forField('#wpFooterTextbox');

		if (editor.get().indexOf("<ref>") === -1 && editor.get().indexOf("{{#tag:ref") === -1) {
			// page contains no refs
			var generic = true;
			for (var f in specialFormats) {
				var format = specialFormats[f];
				if (location.href.indexOf(encodeURI(format[0].replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/\'/g, "%27")) !== -1) {
					generic = false;

			// no special footer matched, use just strip out the references tag
			if (generic)
		} else {
			var generic = true;
			for (var f in specialFormats) {
				var format = specialFormats[f];
				if (-1 != location.href.indexOf(encodeURI(format[0].replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/\'/g, "%27"))) {
					generic = false;
			// no special footer matched, so use a generic ref tag
			if (generic)
				footerbox.set('{{block center|{{smallrefs}}}}');

	// automatically insert block center wrapping into header box
	function blockcenter(editor) {
		editor.forField('#wpHeaderTextbox').append('\n{{block center/s}}');
		editor.forField('#wpFooterTextbox').prepend('{{block center/e}}\n');

	//Make selected text into appropriately capitalised title link
	// e.g. "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER" —> "[[The Man from Snowy River|THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER]]"
	function maketitle(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			var target = titlecase(text);
			return target == text
				? '[[' + text + ']]'
				: '[[' + target + '|' + text + ']]';

	//Make selected text into author link
	function author(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(name) {
			// if name contains a comma, switch around when linking
			var commaPos = name.indexOf(',');
			var target = commaPos === -1
				? name
				: name.substr(commaPos + 1).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + ' ' + name.substr(0, commaPos).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

			// if name is all in capitals, convert target to title case.
			if (target == target.toUpperCase())
				target = titlecase(target);

			return '[[Author:' + target + '|' + name + ']]';

	function surnameFirst(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(name) {
			// If name is all in capitals, convert target to title case.
			var target = name === name.toUpperCase()
				? titlecase(name)
				: name;

			// split text into individual words
			var nameArray = name.split(" ");

			// put last first, followed by a comma, then all the rest preceded by spaces
			name = nameArray[nameArray.length - 1] + ",";
			for (i = 0; i < nameArray.length - 1; i++)
				name = name + " " + nameArray[i];

			return '[[Author:' + target + '|' + name + ']]';

	//Mark selected text up with small-caps
	function smallcaps(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			// Applying small-caps to all-caps text is pointless...
			// ... unless the all-caps is OCR of text that is actually small-caps.
			// Check if text is all-caps, and if it is, convert it to title case before applying small-caps.
			if (pre == pre.toUpperCase())
				pre = titlecase(pre);

			return '{{sc|' + pre + '}}';

	// As you work your way through the page, when you encounter a reference, just mark it with <ref></ref> tags and continue.
	// Once you've got to the end of the page and proofed the references, simply highlight each reference in turn,
	// and use this function to move it to its proper position.
	function makeref(editor) {
		var editbox = $('#wpTextbox1').get(0);
		var refStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var refEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		var firstref = editbox.value.indexOf('<ref></ref>');
		if (firstref !== -1)
			editbox.value = editbox.value.slice(0, firstref + 5) + editbox.value.slice(refStart, refEnd) + editbox.value.slice(firstref + 5, refStart) + editbox.value.slice(refEnd);

	//wrap first word in hwe template
	function hwe(editor) {
		var to = editor.get().search(/\W/);
		if (to == -1)
			to = editor.get().length;

		var pre = editor.get().substring(0, to);
		var post = '{{hwe|' + pre + '|…' + pre + '}}';
		editor.set(post + editor.get().substring(to));

	//wrap last word in hws template
	function hws(editor) {
		var from = editor.get().lastIndexOf(" ");
		from = (from == -1)
			? 0
			: from + 1;

		var pre = editor.get().substring(from);
		if (pre.slice(-1) == "-")
			pre = pre.slice(0, -1);

		var post = '{{hws|' + pre + '|' + pre + '…}}';
		editor.set(editor.get().substring(0, from) + post);

	function putpagename(editor) {
		var pagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ');

	function ligature(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			switch (pre) {
				case 'ae':
					return 'æ';
				case 'AE':
					return 'Æ';
				case 'oe':
					return 'œ';
				case 'OE':
					return 'Œ';
					return pre;

	function diareses(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			switch (pre) {
				case 'a':
					return 'ä';
				case 'A':
					return 'Ä';
				case 'e':
					return 'ë';
				case 'E':
					return 'Ë';
				case 'i':
					return 'ï';
				case 'I':
					return 'Ï';
				case 'o':
					return 'ö';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ö';
				case 'u':
					return 'ü';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ü';
				case 'y':
					return 'ÿ';
					return pre;

	function acute(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			switch (pre) {
				case 'a':
					return 'á';
				case 'A':
					return 'Á';
				case 'c':
					return 'ć';
				case 'C':
					return 'Ć';
				case 'e':
					return 'é';
				case 'E':
					return 'É';
				case 'g':
					return 'ģ';
				case 'i':
					return 'í';
				case 'I':
					return 'Í';
				case 'o':
					return 'ó';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ó';
				case 'l':
					return 'ĺ';
				case 'L':
					return 'Ĺ';
				case 'n':
					return 'ń';
				case 'N':
					return 'Ń';
				case 'r':
					return 'ŕ';
				case 'R':
					return 'Ŕ';
				case 's':
					return 'ś';
				case 'S':
					return 'Ś';
				case 'u':
					return 'ú';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ú';
				case 'y':
					return 'ý';
				case 'Y':
					return 'Ý';
				case 'z':
					return 'ź';
				case 'Z':
					return 'Ź';
					return pre;

	function grave(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			switch (pre) {
				case 'a':
					return 'à';
				case 'A':
					return 'À';
				case 'e':
					return 'è';
				case 'E':
					return 'È';
				case 'i':
					return 'ì';
				case 'I':
					return 'Ì';
				case 'o':
					return 'ò';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ò';
				case 'u':
					return 'ù';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ù';
					return pre;

	function circumflex(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(pre) {
			switch (pre) {
				case 'a':
					return 'â';
				case 'A':
					return 'Â';
				case 'c':
					return 'ĉ';
				case 'C':
					return 'Ĉ';
				case 'e':
					return 'ê';
				case 'E':
					return 'Ê';
				case 'g':
					return 'ĝ';
				case 'G':
					return 'Ĝ';
				case 'h':
					return 'ĥ';
				case 'H':
					return 'Ĥ';
				case 'i':
					return 'î';
				case 'I':
					return 'Î';
				case 'j':
					return 'ĵ';
				case 'J':
					return 'Ĵ';
				case 'o':
					return 'ô';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ô';
				case 's':
					return 'ŝ';
				case 'S':
					return 'Ŝ';
				case 'u':
					return 'û';
				case 'U':
					return 'Û';
				case 'w':
					return 'ŵ';
				case 'W':
					return 'Ŵ';
				case 'y':
					return 'ŷ';
				case 'Y':
					return 'Ŷ';
					return pre;

	function uc(editor) {
		var matches = editor.get().match(/\{\{[Uu]c\s*\|\s*([^\}]+)\}\}/g);
		while (matches != null) {
			editor.replace(matches[0], matches[1].toUpperCase());
			matches = editor.get().match(/\{\{[Uu]c\s*\|\s*([^\}]+)\}\}/g);

	function lower(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			return text.toLowerCase();

	function upper(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			return text.toUpperCase();

	function reload_page_image(editor) {
		$('#ProofReadImage').attr('src', function(i, val) {
			return val.replace(/-([0-9]+)px/, function(num) {
				return '-' + (num[1] * 9 / 10) + 'px';
// </nowiki>

//get specialFormats variable from work.js