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// wiktionary Popup

// set some global parameters for selection
var isIndianBio = (-1 != location.href.indexOf("Page:The_Indian_Biographical_Dictionary.djvu/"));
var isIrishBio = (-1 != location.href.indexOf("Page:A_Compendium_of_Irish_Biography"));
var isCollins =  (-1 != location.href.indexOf("Page:An_account_of_the_English_colony"));
var isDNB00 = (-1 != location.href.indexOf("DNB00"));
var isCopyright = (-1 != location.href.indexOf("Page:Copyright_Act"));
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 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
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		// An account of the English colony
		{ name: 'Float poem', script: floatpoem, enabled: isCollins },
		{ name: 'Collins cleanup', script: Collins_cleanup, enabled: isCollins },
		// Copyright Act
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		{ name: '4and5 left', script: copyhead45, enabled: isCopyright },
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		// Indian Biographical Dictionary
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		// A Compendium of Irish Biography
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	// weliptest() subst {{welcomeip}} applies {{test}}
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	// HeaderToggle() subst: User:Billinghurst/HeaderToggle which tells how to toggle header in Page:
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	// nop() - nop, though it puts it at the bottom of editbox, so only useful in Page:
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			.replace(/ +— +/g, '—')
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				.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
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	// Takes poetic text, makes it float center, adds <poem> tag, and makes font-size:smaller
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			return '{{float center|<poem>{{smaller|'+pre+'}}</poem>}}';
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	//SPECIFIC TO Page: namespace
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	// RunningHeader() - puts {{RunningHeader}} in to headerbox
	// endword() - puts {{right}} into footerbox
	// smallrefs_rep() - puts {{smallrefs}} into footerbox
	/* Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu tools */
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		editor.forField('#wpHeaderTextbox').append('{{center|INDIAN BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 1915.}}\n\n{{sc|}}');
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			.replace (/([\n\s])(Address|Clubs?|educ|Publications|Recreations)\:/g, '$1\'\'$2\'\':')
			.replace (/CLE\.?/g, 'C.I.E.')
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			.replace(/(\w)U(\w)/, '$1ll$2');
	/* Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography tools */
	function anchor(editor) {
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			return '{{anchor+|'+pre+'}}';
	//adds template 'DJVU page link'
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	//set to internal namespace link, set specifically for subpage xref
	function nslink(editor) {
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			return '{{namespace link|'+pre+'|'+pre+'|..}}';
	//PAGE NAMESPACE  headerbox or footerbox
	function RunningHeader(editor) {
	//*Footerbox app; for archaic books where the first word on the next page is placed at bottom
	function endword(editor) {
	function smallrefs_rep(editor) {
	//merge cleanup
	function Collins_cleanup(editor) {
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// [[Category:Bots/Script files to update]]