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/* fork from to supress unproffread rows entirly.) */

(function () {

function load () {
    var $anchorTagsJquery = $( '.mw-datatable > tbody > tr > td.TablePager_col_title > a:nth-child(1)' );
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    $anchorTags.forEach( function ( elem ) {
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    var api = new mw.Api();
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    for ( var i  = 0; i < chunkedArray.length; i++ ) {
        var chunk = chunkedArray[i]; {
            action: 'query',
            prop: 'proofread',
            titles: chunk.join( '|' ),
            formatversion: 2,
            format: 'json'
        } ).done( function ( data ) {
            var pages = data.query.pages;
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                if ( page.proofread ) {
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                        return $( elem ).attr( 'title' ) === page.title;
                    } );
                    for ( var j = 0; j < $selectedAnchorTags.length; j++ ) {
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                        var $td = $anchorTag.parentElement;
                        var $tr = $td.parentElement;
                        if ( page.proofread.quality === 4 ) {
                            $ = '#90ff90';
                        } else if ( page.proofread.quality === 3 ) {
                            $ = '#ffe867';
                        } else if ( page.proofread.quality === 2 ) {
                            $ = '#b0b0ff';
                        } else if ( page.proofread.quality === 1 ) {
                            $ = '#ffa0a0';
                         /*   $'none';  This should be a toggle? */
                        } else {
                            $ = '#ddd';
        }.bind( this ) );
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).then( function () {
    if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).startsWith( 'Special:LintErrors' ) ) {
        window.addEventListener( 'load', function () {
        } );
        if ( document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive' ) {
} );

} )();