My favorite quote:

I'm a pessimist about probabilities; I'm an optimist about possibilities.
Lewis Mumford (1895-1990)

Um, well, and then there's changes.

Lately I'm often over at Greek Wikisource

Counting coup and celebrating potlatch combined


User:Nederlandse Leeuw started and proofread, I validated and wikisourceried; 350pp., English, Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Coptic and Academese.
Started by User:Kwehner who proofread all of it, I validated, had table fun, and wikisourceried; 65pp.
A Great Leap Forward! Unfortunately copyright confusions conspire to cover up CCP CC coverage. Peeks available.


This is Scrivener's 1894 Greek Textus Receptus and much referenced; el:Χρήστης:Αντιγόνη started this work awhile ago; strangely, upon checking the pages that are done, our copy of the transcribed text looks more correct than most other copies on the Internet; I am thinking we could get various sites to switch to our copy as demonstrably better.
Proofread near complete; need to redo verse numbering, fix section titles, some tables, a general cleaning; 425pp., plus 7 pp maps not yet addressed;

Life in India Index:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu 2021 Done

The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar Index:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf 2021 Started

Index:A handbook of modern Japan (IA handbookofmodern01clem).pdf 2021 Started

Index:Tolstoy - Tales from Tolstoi.djvu Tales from Tolstoi 2021 Started

Index:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 01.pdf The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 1 2021 Started

Index:Table-Talk (1821).djvu Table-Talk 2020 Started

Index:The Novels of Ivan Turgenev (volume VIII).djvu A Sportsman's Sketches 2020 Done

Index:The Semi-detached House.djvu The Semi-detached House 2020 Started

Index:Saint Theresa of Avila (Gilman 1889).djvu 2020 Started

Index:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu Waylaid by Wireless 2020 Done

Index:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 2020 Started

Index:KJV 1772 Oxford Edition, vol. 2.djvu 2020 Started; need to handle sidenotes with ellipsis(!)

Index:Imperialdictiona02eadi Brandeis.pdf Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography 2020 Started

Index:Ten Minute Stories (1914).djvu Ten Minute Stories 2020 Started

Index:History of the seven wise mistresses of Rome.pdf 2020 Near done, needs pictures

Index:Christian Greece and Living Greek.djvu 2020 Barely started

Index:Russian Fairy Book (N. H. Dole).djvu The Russian Fairy Book 2020 Started

Index:An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) vol 3.djvu An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) 2020 Started

Index:A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy.djvu A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy 2020 Started