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/* Master DIV/SPAN must inherit its own width/height environment (otherwise it will not be eligible to source inheritance tree.) */
.customFI {
	height: auto;
	width: inherit;

/* All subservient containers must propagate width/height as 100% (because master DIV/SPAN has already set/accepted ultimate sizing,
   and if each one 'inherits' it will *multiply* the outer containers' scaling factors! i.e. instead of say 50% magnification,
   in fact 50% of 50% of... span>a>img results in final image rendering at 12.5%... (even worse if intermediate <p> required)) */
.customFI a.image, .customFI a.image img.customFI, .customFI img {
	height: auto;
	width: 100% !important;