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 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
		// add your own templates or scripts here
		{ name: 'Simplify quotes', script: simplifyQuotes },
		{ name: 'Clean page', script: clean },
		{ name: 'Replace dashes', script: replaceDashes },
		{ name: 'Remove newlines', script: removeExtraNewlines },
		{ name: 'Small superscript', script: smallSuperscript },

function simplifyQuotes(editor) {
	editor.replace(/[“”]/g, '"')
		.replace(/[‘’]/g, '\'') ;

function clean(editor) {
	editor.replace(/ ([;:\?!,])/g, '$1') // remove spaces around punctuation
		.replace(/[\t ]+\n/g, '\n') // remove trailing spaces at the end of each line
		.replace(/-\n/g,'') // join hypenated words accross line break
		.replace(/\s+$/, '') // remove trailing whitespace at the end of the page
		.replace(/(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)/g, ' ') // replace single newlines with spaces, leave 2+ newlines alone
		.replace(/[\t ]*"[\t ]*/g, '"'); // remove spaces around double quotes

function replaceDashes(editor) {
	editor.replace(/{{--}}/g, '—')
		.replace(/&mdash;/g, '—')
		.replace(/&ndash;/g, '-')
		.replace(/--/g, '—');

function removeExtraNewlines(editor) {
	editor.replace(/(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)/g, ' '); // replace single newlines with spaces, leave 2+ newlines alone

function smallSuperscript(editor) {
	editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
		return '<sup>{{sm|'+selected+'}}</sup>';
// </nowiki>