Wharton Valley Echo

Established in 1882, Wharton Valley Echo later became known as the Edmeston Echo and finally the Edmeston Local, before being sold by the publisher to the New Berlin Gazette. It was published in Burlington Flats, New York. .

150770Wharton Valley Echo

Some topics covered in the Wharton Valley Echo, Published in Burlington Flats, NY, Talbot Bros. Proprietors

Vol. 1 No. 9 — Jan. 13, 1883

  • Family Dr. corner features home cures
  • Dr. Lough has purchased the Merison Smith home and will leave Burlington

Vol. 1 No. 10 — Jan 20, 1883

  • Arthur Wells has sold his hotel to John Gaskin for $4,000
  • Hopkins taking inventory preparatory to a change in his firm
  • Shall we allow New Berlin to compel us to go to Silver Lake to attend the Edmeston Burlington Fair? I guess not.
  • Homer Underwood preparing to plaster his new house.

Vol. 1 No 11 — Jan 27 1883

  • A.A. Wells has sold his hotel to John Gaskin of New Berlin
  • The donation of Elder Santee held last Thursday evening passed off very pleasantly, the proceeds being about ninety dollars.
  • Shall we compel several mechanics and laboring men to leave town for want of a house to live in? We hope not.
  • There has been some talk of opening a new street across the lands of Mrs. John Barrett, if that should be done, it would make several splendid building lots, and business for our mechanics and at the same time help to build up the village. We think the idea a good one and hope all business men will work for it. [The street would have run from Donnie Talbot’s house on South Street west behind Chesebrough’s ending on Dutch Valley Road (1990)]

Vol. 1 No.14 — Feb. 17, 1883

  • Comments on buying and selling being the order of the day

Vol. 1 No.16 — Mar. 3, 1883

  • List of people with measles
  • Mention of bad weather

Vol 1 No 18 — Mar. 17, 1883

  • George Coman to work for N.N. Talbot — $28 per month for 8 months

Vol. 1 No. 23 — Apr. 21, 1883

  • George Hecocks sold his sawmill a short time past, two or three weeks ago, the latest freshet took away his dam, a great loss to him. John Lathrop says it was built 51 years ago

Vol. 1 No. 24 — Apr. 28, 1883

  • One would think Edmeston to be a city with the number of drummers in town

Vol. 1 No. 26 — May 12, 1883

  • The Underwood boys are nearly finished with Bramer’s Dam
  • John Gaskin took out a license
  • Cheese factory making 24 cheeses a day. Brockway was in town and shipped 75 boxes 13 1/8 cents per pound
  • Dr. has taken 40 feet of tape worm from Lynn Hopkins



More topics covered in the Wharton Valley Echo, Published every Saturday at Burlington Flats, NY, Talbot Bros. Proprietors

Vol. 2 No. 4 — Dec. 8, 1884

  • The hammer rings, and the rearing of new structures goes on, and it is the prayer of our business men that it may never stop.
  • The hill west of the new hotel is gradually becoming "NON EST."
  • Pro baseball in Edmeston was mentioned

Vol. 2 No. 19 — Mar. 22, 1884

  • Truman Barrett has sold his hotel to Lyman Barrett, his brother.
  • Quite a number of sales of real estate this week
  • Delos Smith bought Ackerman’s house
  • Henry Williams bought the house of Richmond Talbot
  • Dr. Chesebro purchased house of Homer Underwood
  • Dr. Sumner Arnold is moving to Mt. Vision.
  • N.L. Greene is hauling stone for his house on South St.
  • C.W. Hopkins and son have timber for their new store. and Lucas boys for their marble shop.
  • Elwain Southerland to carry milk From North Edmeston for neighboring farmers

Vol. 2 No. 21 — Apr. 5, 1884

  • Half a column was devoted to people who recently moved into Edmeston
  • The Lucas Boys’ shop is nearly finished
  • Homer Underwood is remodeling the old hotel barn to be used by the new hotel

Vol. 2 No. 22 — Apr. 12, 1884

  • Now published in Edmeston by the Talbot Bros.
  • Edmeston Enterprises — Edmeston is a pleasant village situated in the Wharton valley and contains between four and five hundred inhabitants, and carries on quite an extensive business.
  • Wm. Talbot & Sons have one of the finest and best stocked store to be found in any country town; their stock consists of dry goods, groceries. drugs, medicines, crockery, hats, caps, ready-made clothing, paints, oils, etc.. They are also proprietors of the Edmeston Mills, where you get all kinds of feed, corn meal, flour, etc., and on with Mr. A. Voorhees as a miller you can get all custom work in a workman like manner.
  • Wm. Joslyn runs a first class boot and shoe store, and any one that has ever worn goods of his make will be likely to call him a second time.
  • C.W. Hopkins & Son are doing a heavy trade in stoves; their shelves are filled with as good goods and as fine an assortment as one is likely to find outside the city.
  • Wm. Humphry, our harness maker, keeps a well stocked harness store and anyone wanting a heavy or light harness cannot do better than to call on Will; he keeps on hand, whips, robes, blankets, etc.. He also deals in buggies and cutters.
  • T. Barrett deals in general merchandise, drugs, boots and shoes, flour and he has a heavy stock of wallpaper.
  • Joseph Talbot has just opened a store on South Street.
  • Homer Bilyea has a first class insurance office; he represents fifteen fire insurance companies.
  • L.D. Smith deals in musical instruments; he is having a store fitted for him; he is selling at present quite a number, and when he gets fairly settled in his new rooms we bespeak for him a heavy trade.
  • C.H. Horton is also a dealer in musical instruments. He also sells the "White" family sewing machine, and to anyone that is in want of a machine before you purchase I would say just step in Henry’s room, in Bilyeas’s block and he will very soon convince you that the “White” is the machine.
  • S.B. & E.L. Ackerman employ quite a number of men in the sash and blind shop, they manufacture a large amount of sash, blind, doors, mouldings, and are dealers in lumber. They have connections in what line of goods you may want. They also do undertaking business.
  • If you want painting, kalsomining, white washing, or if your furniture wants retouching call on Halsey Underwood, he will do you a first class job.
  • Lewis Spencer has the tannery, where you can get the highest price for your deakin skins, hides or pelts.
  • If you want your horses shod call on Levi Brown or Aurthur Wells and you will get a job that will please you, or any other job in the blacksmithing line.
  • If you want any castings you can get them of Lewis Green, who runs a foundry and machine shop; and by the way Lewis is a “heavy weight” blacksmith, and what he does for you will be done in a mechanical and workman like manner.
  • If you want a house built you want to remember that Homer Underwood is the man that can do it in a manner that will please the most fastidious, both in design and finish. He has on hand a heavy stock of lumber and timber, and is prepared to furnish anything in that line. He employs some fifteen men in the coming season.
  • Richmond Talbot employs quite a number of men and is doing a good business as a carpenter.
  • Brown Hopkins as wagon Maker is turning out some very well made wagons this spring. He has in his employ, Jason Powers who is as good a wagon maker as is to be found anywhere, and any one that is the least skeptical I would like to have them step in and see a light buggy that he is building for Dr. Lough, and be convinced.
  • The Lucas boys, manufacturers of marble work, can do a nice job, and at prices that will be satisfactory.
  • Dr.s Lough, Chambers and Chesebrough are physicians that are practicing medicine here and are men of skill in their profession.
  • We have two hotels; the Gaskin house and Lyman Barrett is about to open the new one on the hill, and then we will have the accommodations that will be second to none, and any one that has ever stopped with uncle John Gaskin well knows this to be a fact.
  • Erwin Davis has a meat market under the telegraph office where you can get the choicest cuts of veal or fresh pork.
  • If you want any mason work done Brooks and Morton are the men that can just do it all for you.
  • Gillas Hudson as stage proprietor is doing a paying business; all express matter entrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. He also draws the freight from Unadilla Forks to this place.
  • If your watch needs fixing or you want a good cigar, just step into the telegraph office and S.C. St. John can accommodate you.
  • Or if your hair needs cutting, or you want a nice shave, D.B. St. John in the same building can do it for you.
  • If you have any pictures that want framing or you want to surprise your wife when you get home, by binging her one of those large pictures that Lewis Gates is selling, then just step up North St. and he will show you a very nice line of goods.
  • We have two dressmakers, Mrs. George Brooks and Mrs. John Webster in the east part of the village, where you can get both cutting and making with neatness and dispatch.
  • In the millinery department Mrs. John Wood or Mrs. Emma Brooks can furnish the ladies with anything in this line of goods.
  • And last, but not least, when you come into town just step into the printing office on South St., and get your printing done, and patronize the printers leaving them a dollar and by doing so receive the Wharton Valley Echo for one year.
  • Lemons are being sold for 1 cent
  • The Cheese Factory started last Monday morning with 1900 lbs. of milk, the most they ever took in the first day.
  • Joseph Talbot is filling up the store formerly occupied by his son John with a general stock of merchandise.
  • Over 100 window frames at a time is the way the Underwood boys hand in their orders at the sash factory.
  • The barn for the new hotel is being refitted and Lyman expects to have the "Hotel Barrett" open soon to the public.
  • Wm. Talbot has bought the lot, opposite Lewis Gates house, of A.T. Gates, and is going to move the dwelling house near his store on to it. Homer Underwood is to move it for him and with his help is getting the rollers today.

Vol. 2 No 27 — May 17, 1884

  • Stage — a weekly feature
    • Edmeston Ma??s –Stage leaves Edmeston for Unadilla Forks at 7 AM. connecting with the morning train to Utica. Leaves Unadilla Forks on arrival of morning train from Utica, arriving at Edmeston at 1:30 PM
    • Stage from New Berlin to Cooperstown, leaves Edmeston on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9A.M.
    • From Cooperstown to New Berlin, leaves Edmeston on Tuesdays Thursday and Saturdays at 11AM
  • Anyone wishing to purchase a bicycle should call G.D.Barrett
  • The Ackerman Bros. Furniture wagon I s on the road every day now delivering the goods.
  • The carpenters have commenced framing Hopkins & Son’s new store. The masons have the wall nearly complete.
  • W.D.Medbury is having an attack of the improvement "fever", and judging by the fence in front, and the trees in his grounds, he is having it hard.

Vol. 2 No. 44 — Sep, 1884

  • The Edmeston Burlington Agricultural Society held its 18th annual fair. [the paper had a description of the three days]
  • The Edmeston Band had an out-door concert
  • Ely Chamberlain has a new store opened.

Vol. 2 No. 48 — Oct. 11, 1884

  • List of Premiums awarded by the Edmeston and Burlington Agricultural Society from animals to fruits and vegetables, to arts (including penmanship)
  • F.Hinman’s Comedy Company will give an entertainment in this village this (Friday) evening.
  • Lewis Spencer is having his house raised up from the foundation. Homer Underwood is doing the job.