Woman of the Century/Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer Cruger
CRUGER, Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer, novelist and social leader, born in Paris, France. She is daughter of Thomas Wentworth Storrow . who spent the greater part of his life in France. The Wentworths were of New England. Her mother was a daughter of Daniel Paris, a well-known never of Albany, N. Y.,and for many years a member of the New York legislature. Mrs. Storrow was the favorite niece of Washington Irving, and a diamond, which he gave her when she was married in his Sunnyside home, is now in Mrs. Cruger's possession. Mrs. Cruger is the wife of Colonel S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, a member of one of the old Knickerbocker families of New York, and they make their home in that city and in a pleasant place called " Idlesse Farm" on Long Island. Mrs. Cruger has long been known as a social leader, and during the last three or four years she has won a most remarkable success as a novelist. She is a master of French, having spoken only that language until she was nine years of age, and. with her liberal education, her long residence abroad, and her experience in many spheres of life, she unites a distinctly literary talent that has enabled her to cast her stories in artistic form, while preserving in them a most intense humanity. Her novels have been published under the pen-name "Julien Gordon," and the critics, without exception, supposed "Julien Gordon " to be a man. Her novels are "A Diplomat's Diary," "A Successful Mill." "Mademoiselle Reseda'" and "A Puritan Pagan." all of which appeared as serials first and then in volumes. All have passed through many editions. She has written some poetry, but she has never published or even kept any of her verses.