WILDBAD, a watering-place of Germany, in the kingdom of Württemberg, picturesquely situated 1475 ft. above the sea, in the romantic pine-clad gorge of the Enz in the Black Forest, 28 m. W. of Stuttgart and 14 E. of Baden-Baden by rail. Pop. (1905) 3734. It contains an Evangelical, a Roman Catholic and an English church, and has some small manufactures (cigars, paper and toys). Its thermal alkaline springs have a temperature of 90°–100° Fahr. and are used for bathing in cases of paralysis, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and similar ailments. The fact that the springs rise within the baths, and are thus used at the fountain-head, is considered to contribute materially to their curative value. The water is used internally for affections of the stomach and digestive organs, and of the kidneys, bladder, &c. Wildbad possesses all the usual arrangements for the comfort and amusement of the visitors (over 15,000 annually), including large and well-appointed hotels, a Kurhaus, a Trink-Halle and promenades. The neighbourhood is picturesque, the most attractive spot being the Wildsee, of which legends are told.

See W. T. v. Renz, Die Kur zu Wildbad (with Guide, Wildbad, 1888), and Weizsäcker, Wildbad (2nd ed., 1905).