Warner's 66
Warner's 66

Warner's 66.

Short Corset.
12-inch clasp.
Four hooks.
Sizes, 18 to 30 in.

Made of fancy netting; continuous stripping through-
out waist; rust-proof boning, which absolutely pre-
vents rusting of bones and steels; trimmed at the
upper and lower edges with lace woven with satin
ribbon. White.

$8.50 per doz.

Warner's 617.


Empire Effect.
10½-inch clasp.
Four hooks.

Sizes, 18 to 30 in.

Made of fancy ventilating material; boned with
Coraline; all. boning and steels are absolutely rust-
proof; trimmed at the upper and lower edges with
lace woven with ribbon. White.

$9.00 per doz.

Warner's 617
Warner's 617
Warner's 68
Warner's 68

Warner's 68.

13-inch clasp.
Five hooks.
Two side steels.
Sizes, 18 to 30 in.

Made of fancy ventilating material; rust-proof bon-
ing, which absolutely prevents rusting of bones and
steels; trimmed at upper and lower edges with lace
woven with ribbon; continuous stripping through
waist. White.

$8.50 per doz.