A Compendium of Irish Biography/Barrett, John, R.N.

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637441A Compendium of Irish Biography — Barrett, John, R.N.Alfred Webb

Barrett, John, R.N., a distinguished naval officer, born at Drogheda, promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in 1793, and afterwards to that of Post-Captain. He saw much service; and in 1810, returning in the Minotaur, 74, in charge of a convoy of one hundred sail from the Baltic, he perished with 490 out of a crew of 600, in consequence of the ignorance of the pilot. After the vessel struck, he said to an officer who evinced some undue eagerness to save himself: "Sir, true courage is better shown by coolness and composure; we all owe nature a debt, let us pay it like men of honour," [1] [2]

  1. Worthies of Ireland, Biographical Dictionary of the: Richard Ryan. 2 vols. London, 1821.
  2. Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731–1868