A Compendium of Irish Biography/Butler, Richard (major-general)

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1483898A Compendium of Irish Biography — Butler, Richard (major-general)Alfred Webb

Butler, Richard, Major-General U.S.A., was born in Ireland. He emigrated to America in 1760, was, in 1777, made Lieutenant-Colonel in the Revolutionary army, and distinguished himself on many occasions. He held the rank of Colonel at the close of the war, and was appointed agent for Indian affairs in Ohio. In 1791 he had risen to be a Major-General, and marched in the expedition of St. Clair against the Indians. He was tomahawked and scalped in an engagement on the 4th November of that year, 1791. Several members of the Butler family, of American birth, have distinguished themselves in the history of the United States. [1]

  1. Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876.