A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Christina (7)

2900606A Dictionary of Saintly Women — Christina7Agnes B. C. Dunbar

St. Christina (7), Nov. 26, Sept. 7, Dec. 5, Aug. 11, Marcb 3, V. † about 1100. Abbess of Romsey. Daughter of Prince Edward, and of Agatha, who was a nun with her at Romsey. Granddaughter of King Edmund II. of England. Sister of St. Margaret, queen of Scotland. She educated her nieces Edith or Matilda, queen of England, and Mary, countess of Boulogne. She compelled them to wear the dress of nuns, but they did not take monastic vows. Memorial of Ancient British Piety. Bishop Forbes, Kalendars: Analecta, iii. col. 1834. Bucelinus, Men. Ben., Aug. 11. Ferrarius. Wion, Lignum Vitæ. Eckenstein.