A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Allen (John)

ALLEN (JOHN), bookseller in London, (i) Rising Sun in the New Buildings in Pauls Church Yard, between the two North Doors; (2) Little Britain. 1656–67. Amongst his early publications were some astrological tracts; but in 1659 he wrote and published two pamphlets against the practice of judicial astrology. The second of these, entitled Judicial Astrologers totally routed, contains on the last leaf a list of 14 books sold by him. [b.m. 718 d. 31.] His name occurs in the Hearth Tax Roll, 1666, as living in Little Britain. [P.R.O. Lay Subsidy 252/32.]