American Medical Biographies/Brinton, John Hill

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Brinton, John Hill (1832–1907)

John Hill Brinton was born in Philadelphia May 21, 1832. He received his M.D. from Jefferson Medical College in 1852; from the University of Pennsylvania A.M. in 1853 and LL.D. in 1901. After a year's post-graduate work in Paris and Vienna he began to practise in Philadelphia. He served in the Civil War and was with Grant in the Tennessee and Cumberland River campaign in 1862; the same year he was ordered to Washington for duty in the office of the Surgeon General, and while there worked on the first part of the "Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion," writing the article on Gunshot Wounds; also he started the nucleus of the Army Medical Museum. He was ordered to active service under General Rosecrans and served as medical director in the field in the Missouri campaign. Later he was made superintendent of the hospitals in Nashville, Tennessee, and medical director of the army of the Cumberland.

At the close of the war Brinton was appointed lecturer on operative surgery in Jefferson College, and later professor of the practice of surgery and clinical surgery, and surgeon to Jefferson Hospital. In 1869 he was Mütter lecturer on surgery and pathology; he was chairman of the committee on the Mütter Museum at the College of Physicians, Philadelphia.

A cerebral hemorrhage was the cause of his death, March 18, 1907, at his home, 1423 Spruce Street, Philadelphia.

Jour. Amer. Med. Asso., 1907, vol. xlviii, 1052.
New York Med. Jour., 1907, vol. lx.xxv, 559.