2264934American Medical Biographies — Long, David1920Dudley Peter Allen

Long, David (1787–1851)

David Long, son of Dr. David Long who came from Shelburne, Massachusetts, was born in Hebron, Washington County, New York, September 29, 1787. He was descended from David Long, who came from Scotland to Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1747. After studying medicine with his uncle, Dr. John Long, of Shelburn, he afterwards graduated M. D. in New York City and came to Cleveland in June, 1810, presumably influenced by a letter written by Stanley Griswold and dated May 28, 1809. This letter is to be found in a scrap book in the Historical Society of Cleveland.

Dr. Long was a surgeon in the western army in the War of 1812. At the time of Hull's surrender it was feared that the frontier settlements would be overrun by Indians. News of the surrender reached Dr. Long when at Black River, at what is now called Lorain. In order to protect the settlers by bringing them early knowledge of this event, he rode on horseback to Cleveland, a distance of twenty-eight miles, in two hours and fourteen minutes. On another occasion, in a case of great emergency, he rode fourteen and a half miles in fifty minutes, changing horses twice. These incidents show the hardships surrounding pioneer life, and the energy and endurance which Dr. Long brought to overcome them.

In 1811 Dr. Long married Julianna Walworth, daughter of Judge Walworth. A son, Solon, died at the age of eighteen, and a daughter, Mary Long Severance, lived in Cleveland until the age of eighty-six, being one of the most influential women in the charities of Cleveland. Dr. and Mrs. Long, in addition to their own children, adopted several others. He was highly esteemed by the foremost citizens, and his position in the community and church was an influential one. He died in Cleveland on September 1, 1851, of apoplexy.

A short sketch and portrait of Dr. Long were published in the Magazine of Western History, January, 1886.