2397402American Medical Biographies — Wynne, James1920

Wynne, James (1814–1871)

James Wynne was born in Utica, New York, in 1814 and died in Guatemala, Central America. February 11, 1871. He was a lineal descendant of Sir John Wynne, of Gwydyr, Wales. He was educated at the University of the City of New York, studied medicine, and was licensed to practise, settling in Baltimore, Md. Later he removed to New York City, where he devoted much attention to the subject of life insurance and medical jurisprudence, contributing to the Transactions of the American Medical Society, to the North American Review, Knickerbocker, and other standard magazines, and. about 1867 he emigrated to Guatemala, where he engaged in coffee-culture. He published valuable reports, including "Public Hygiene" (New York, 1847); "Asiatic Cholera in the United States in 1847," prepared at the request of the British government, from which he received a medal (London, 1852); and one on the "Vital Statistics of the United States," made to the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and London (New York, 1877). His other works are "Memoir of Maj. Samuel Ringgold" (Baltimore, 1847); "Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America" (New York, 1850); "Importance of the Study of Legal Medicine" (New York, 1857); and "The Private Libraries of New York" (1863).

Appleton's Cyclop. Am. Biog., N. Y., 1889, vol. vi, p. 633.