An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Beispiel

An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, B (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2506147An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, B — Beispiel1891John Francis Davis

Beispiel, n., ‘example,’ from late MidHG. bîspil, mostly bîspel, n., ‘fable, allegory, proverb,’ OHG. *bîspëll (for comp. bei and Beichte). Comp. AS. bîspell, ‘example, parable'; formed from OHG. and MidHG. spël (ll), ‘tale, fable, rumour,’ Goth. spill, ‘legend, fable,’ AS. spell, E. spell (gospel from godspell), ‘tale, fable'; spell (to which Fr. épeler, ‘to spell,’ is akin) is the term for literary composition in prose, and hence is as important for the history of primit. Teut. civilisation as Lied, singen, &c.