An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, K (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2507441An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, K — Karre1891John Francis Davis

Karre, f., Karren, m., from the equiv. MidHG. karre, m. and f., OHG. charra, f., charro, m., ‘cart’; the HG. words and also the E. car (OIc. kerra) are based on MidLat. carrus, m., carra, f., and their Rum. derivatives (ModFr. char, ‘car’). Lat. carrus, ‘four-wheeled transport waggon,’ is again of Kelt. origin (Gael. carr, Bret. karr); comp. Karch, Pferd. — Kariole, Karriole, f., Kariol, n., ‘jaunting car,’ simply ModHG. from Fr. carriole. — Kärrner, m., ‘carter.’