An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, P (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2510512An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, P — Preis1891John Francis Davis

Preis, m., ‘price, cost, prize, reward,’ from MidHG. prîs (brîs), m., ‘praise, splendour, noble deed’; borrowed in the 12th cent. from OFr. prîs (ModFr. prix), whence also E. price, prize, Du. prijs. The ultimate source is Lat. prĕtium (whence also Ital. prezzo). The expression preisgeben has nothing to do with this word, but is due rather to the equiv. Ital. dar presa; Ital. presa (equiv. to Fr. prise), ‘seizure, booty catch,’ may be traced back to Lat. prœhendere. Comp. further preisen.