An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2510062An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S — sonder1891John Francis Davis

sonder, prep., ‘without,’ from the equiv. MidHG. sunder, which is prop. an adv., ‘aside, separately,’ but in OHG. and MidHG. it is frequently a conj., ‘but, rather.’ Comp. OHG. suntar, adv., ‘separately, especially, but,’ Goth. sundrô, ‘separated, alone,’ AS. sundor, E. asunder, Du. zonder, ‘without.’ Allied to Gr. ἄτερ, ‘without,’ from the prim. form sntér? With this word is connected besonders, from MidHG. besunder, ‘separately, singly.’ —