An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2507059An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W — waten1891John Francis Davis

waten, vb., ‘to wade,’ from MidHG. waten, OHG. watan, str. vb., ‘to wade, go, stride'; a common Teut. word; comp. Du. waden, AS. wadan, E. to wade, OIc. vaða, ‘to wade, press forwards’ (especially in water). The borrowed Ital. term guadare has the same meaning, ‘to walk through water'; on the OIc. noun vað, ‘ford,’ and the equiv. Du. wadde, are based Ital. guado, Fr. gué, ‘ford, shallow part of a river'; comp. Weed. The Teut. root wad, ‘to stride, wade,’ is identical with the primit. cognate Lat. vâdere, ‘to wade, ford,’ to which Lat. vǎdum, ‘ford,’ is allied. The Aryan root wā̆dh has not been preserved in other languages.