Thomas Middleton

An English Jacobean playwright and poet.

Thomas Middleton




  • The Revenger's Tragedy (1606)
  • A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (c. 1613)  
  • The Mayor of Quinborough (1661)
  • Blurt, Master-Constable, or the Spaniards Nightwalke (1602)
  • The Phœnix (1607)
  • Michaelmas Terme (1607)
  • A Trick to Catch the Old-One (1608)
  • The Familie of Love (1608)
  • Your Five Gallants (1608)
  • A Mad World, my Masters (1608)
  • Women Beware Women (1621)
  • More Dissemblers besides Women (1657)
  • A Game at Chess (1624)
  • A Chast Mayd in Cheape-side (1630)
  • No Wit, No Help like a Woman's (1637)
  • The Witch (1778)
  • Anything for a Quiet Life (1662)
  • A Faire Quarrell (1617)
  • The Changeling (1653)
  • The Spanish Gipsie (1653)
  • The Old Law, or A New Way to please you (1656)
  • The Widdow, a Comedie (1652)

Pageants and Masques

  • The Triumphs of Truth: a Solemnity,’ &c., celebrating the mayoralty of Sir Thomas Middleton; ‘Also his Lordship's Entertainment at the Opening of the New River (1613)
  • Civitatis Amor: an Entertainment,’ &c., at Whitehall, on the creation of the Prince of Wales, 4 Nov. 1616 (1616)
  • The Tryumphs of Honor and Industry: a Solemnity,’ &c., on the mayoralty of George Bowles (1617)
  • The Inner Temple Masque, or Masque of Heroes, presented, as an Entertainment for many worthy Ladies, by Gentlemen of the same Ancient and Noble House (1619)
  • The Triumphs of Love and Antiquity,’ for the mayoralty of Sir W. Cockayn (1619)
  • The World Tost at Tennis (a Courtly Masque, The Device called): As it hath been divers times Presented … by the Prince his Servants (1620)
  • The Sunne in Aries,’ for the mayoralty of Edward Barkham (1621)
  • An Invention performed for the Service of … E. Barkham, L. Mayor,’ at an entertainment at his house, Easter 1623
  • The Triumphs of Honor and Virtue,’ for the mayoralty of Peter Proby (1622)
  • The Triumphs of Integrity,’ for the mayoralty of Martin Lumley (1623)
  • The Triumphs of Health and Prosperity,’ for the mayoralty of Cuthbert Hacket (1626)
  • Honorable Entertainments compos'de for the Seruice of this Noble Cittie. Some of which were fashion'd for the Entertainment of the Lords of his Maiesties most Honorable Privie Councell upon the Occasion of their late Royall Employment. Inuented by Thomas Middleton, imprinted at London by G. E. (1621)

Miscellaneous Verse (attribution uncertain)

  • The Wisdome of Solomon Paraphrased (1597)
  • Microcynicon: Sixe Snarling Satyres (1599)

Miscellaneous Prose

  • The Blacke Booke (1604)
  • Father Hubburd's Tales, or The Ant and the Nightingale (1604)
  • Sir Robert Sherley, sent Ambassador, in the name of the King of Persia, to Sigismund the Third, King of Poland,’ &c. (1609)
  • The Peacemaker: or, Great Britaines Blessing (1618)

Collected works


Works about Middleton



Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1929, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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