Author talk:John Templeton

Art. II. Irish Vertebrate Animals: selectedfrom the Papers of the late John Templeton, Esq., Cranmore. By Robert Templeton, Esq MAMMALIA. FERAE. Meles (Cuv.) Taxus Flem. Nearly extinct. Mustela (Linn., Cuv.) Martes Linn. Common. Putorius Cuv. vulgaris Gmel. Common. Erminea Linn. Rare. Lutra (Cuv.) vulgaris Desm. Occasionally. Canis (Linn., Flem.) Lupus Linn. Extinct. Vulpes (Flem.) vulgaris Flem. Not uncommon. Phoca (Linn.) vitulina Linn. Common. Sorex (Linn.) Araneus Linn. Common. Erinaceus (Linn.) europae v us Linn. Common. PRIMATES. Vespertilio (Linn., Geoff.) pipistrellus f Gmel. (Sub nomine " V. murini " in Temp. MSS.) Common. Plecotus (Geoff.) auritus Linn. Common. GLPRES. Mus Linn. sylvaticus Linn. Common. Musculus Linn. Common. Rattus Linn. Occasionally : nearly extinct. decumanus Pall. Common : naturalised. Lepus Linn. timidus Linn. var. hibernicus. Common. Cuniculus Linn. Common. UNGUICULATA. Cervus (Linn.) E'laphus Linn. Wild in the south and west of Ireland. CETACEA. Delphinus (Linn.. Cuv.) Delphis Linn. Common. Phocaevna Cuv. communis. Common. O'rca Fab. Common. Hyperodon (Lacep.) bidens Flem. Occasionally. Physeter (Linn., Lacep.) Tursio Linn. Thrown ashore on the western coast occasionally. Balsevna (Linn., Lacep.) Mysticetus. On the north-western coast, thrown on shore. AvES. RAPTORES. A'quila Briss. • Chrysaetos Vig. Occasionally in the mountainous districts. albicilla Briss. Common on the bold coasts. Haliseaetus Meyer. Occasionally met with. Falco Linn. islandicus Lath. In 1803, I received a skin of this bird, which had been shot at Randalstown, county Antrim. peregrinus Gmel. Common. Subbuteo Linn. A rare species. I have only observed a few specimens

one was seen during the breeding season, at the rocks of

Ballynascreen Mountains, in 1800 : it was noisy and bold. Another was seen in 1802, at Lough Bray Rocks, county Wicklow. AE'salon Gmel. Common. Tinnunculus Linn. Common. A'stur (Cuv.) palumbarius Will. A specimen in Dublin Museum. Breed occasionally on the rocks at Magilligan. Nisus (Cuv.) fringillarius Will. Falco Nisus Linn. Occasionally. Buteo (Bechst.) vulgaris Will. Not rare. Circus Bechst. rufus Briss. Occasionally met with. cyaneus Flem. Occasionally. O'tus Cuv. vulgaris Flem. Common. brachyotos Flem. Occasionally met with. Strix (Linn.) flammea Linn. Common. 1NSESS0RES. Lanius (Linn.) excubitor Linn. I have met with two specimens : one was shot in the county Down, and received from R. Maxwell, Esq.; the other in the county Antrim, in 1802. Muscicapa (Linn.) grisola Linn. A summer visitant : a pair built in the lime trees at Cranmore, during the months of July, 1801 and 1802. Cinclus (Bechst.) aquaticus Bechst. Common.