Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Antoine de Mouchy

From volume 10 of the work.

104285Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Antoine de MouchyLeo A. Kelly


Theologian and canonist, b. 1494, at Ressons-sur-Matz, near Beauvais, in Picardy; d. 8 May 1574, at Paris. In 1539 he was appointed rector of the University of Paris. He was also professor at the Sorbonne and canon Pnitentiarius of Noyon. As inquisitor fidei he exerted his influence against the Calvinists. In 1562 he accompanied the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Council of Trent, and in 1564 was present at the Synod of Reims. Mouchy wrote a work in defence of the Mass (Paris, 1562), and edited the "Corpus juris canonici" (3 vols. fol., including the glossa, Paris, 1561; 4 vols. 8vo, without the glossa, Paris, 1547-50; 7 vols. l2mo, Lyons, 1554).

SCHERER in Kirchenlex., s.v.