Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/MacKaye, Percy

Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

771654Collier's New Encyclopedia — MacKaye, Percy

MACKAYE, PERCY, dramatist and poet; born in 1875 in New York, graduated from Harvard in 1897, and became a student at Leipsic, after traveling in Europe, he taught privately in New York and from 1904 has been engaged in dramatic work. His works include “The Canterbury Pilgrims,” a comedy (1903); “A Modern Rendering into Prose of Chaucer's Tales” (1904); “Fenris the Wolf,” a tragedy (1905); “Jeanne d'Arc,” a tragedy (1906); “Sappho and Phaon” (1907); “The Scarecrow: a tragedy of the Ludicrous” (1908); “The Playhouse and the Play” (1909); “The Civic Theater” (1912); “The Present Hour” (1914); “Caliban” (1916); “Christmas Masque” (1917); “George Washington” (1920).