Complete Encyclopaedia of Music/A/Asioli, Bonifazio

69376Complete Encyclopaedia of Music — Asioli, BonifazioJohn Weeks Moore

Asioli, Bonifazio, was born at Correggio about the year 1760. About the year 1796, he went to London, where he remained some time, and then returned to Milan, and was appointed chapel-master and chamber musician to the King of Italy. In 1808, a new conservatory was established at Naples, to the direction of which Asioli was appointed by the king. Among his numerous dramatic and vocal works, the following list is given by Gerber : 1st, " La Volubile," opera buffa ; 2d, "Il Ratto di Proserpina," intermezzo, 1785 ; 3d, "Six Italian Duets," London, 1796; 4th, "Six Italian Airs, in the Style of Canzonets," London; 5th, "Variaz, p. it Cemb. sull' Aria, L'ame Bettinal a me'l ha fatta," Vienna ; 6th, "Ottavino a 2 V. 2 Fl. 2 Viole. Fag. e Vc.," Vienna ; 7th, Capriccio p. Piano F.," Op. 1, Zurich, 1803 ; 8th, "3 Ariette coll' acc. di Piano F.," Op. 2, Zurich ; 9th, "Capriccio p. Piano F. a 4 Mani," Op. 3, Zurich; 10th, "Capriccio p. Piano F.," Op. 5, Zurich, 1803 ; 11th, "3 Ariette cell' ace. di Piano F.," Op. 4, Zurich, 1803 ; 12th, "3 Duetti p. 2 Soprani cell' ace. di Piano F.," Op. 6, Zurich; 13th, "La Campana di Morte, Sonetto, cell' accomp. di Piano F.," Zurich, 1806. There are several other vocal works of Asioli, some of which are published by Birchall in London, and evince a taste in melody equal to that of any of the modern Italian composers. He never attempted the more severe order of composition ; but his works are in music what those of Propertius, Catullus, and Tibullus were in poetry, as compared with Horace and Virgil ; as true music di camera, they will very long be admired.