Constant swain (1)/The White Conduit House

3199696Constant swain (1) — The White Conduit House1802


COME, come my dear Bet,
The sun is just set,
All nature looks smiling you see,
At White Conduit House,
Each sweetheart and spouse,
Are now drinking coffee and tea, Are, &c.

The pleasure so sweet,
This charming retreat,
Disburdens their minds from all care,
The prospect so clear,
Will please you my dear,
Then straight to the place let's repair &c.

The garden my love,
If thou wilt approve,
I there can my passion reveal,
How pleasing 'twould be,
My angel, to me?
If love you no longer conceal.If, &c.

There's music to charm,
Thy bosom ’twill warm,
The ideas of love to possess,
Then Betsy comply,
And do not deny,
This instant your Tommy to bless.&c.

Ye lovers draw near,
My story pray hear,
I will make you in love with the sex,
I whisper’d my mind,
And Betty was kind.
No longer she strives to perplexNo, &c.

The ev’ning draws on,
And we must be gone,
Each heart now with pleasure o'erflows,
The maxim will shew,
The passion that’s true.
If repulsed the stronger it grows.If, &c.