Dictionary of Indian Biography/Abercromby, Sir Robert

2397050Dictionary of Indian Biography — Abercromby, Sir RobertCharles Edward Buckland


Younger brother of Sir Ralph: entered the Army in 1758: served in North America till the peace in 1763: and again, from 1776 to 1783, throughout the war to the capitulation of Yorktown: went to India 1788, and, in 1790, was Governor of Bombay and C. in C. there: Maj-General, 1790. After operations on the Malabar coast, he joined Lord Cornwallis in attacking and defeating Tippoo at Seringapatam in 1792: K.B.: succeeded Lord Cornwallis as C. in C. in India, Oct. 1793, being at the same time Member of the Supreme Council till Feb. 1797: he defeated the Rohillas at Batina in Rohilkund in 1794: Lt.General in 1797: M.P. for Clackmannan County in 1798: Governor of Edinburgh Castle, 1801: General, 1802: died Nov. 1827.