Dictionary of Indian Biography/Bell, Rev. Dr. Andrew, D.D.

2883537Dictionary of Indian Biography — Bell, Rev. Dr. Andrew, D.D.Charles Edward Buckland

BELL, REV. DR. ANDREW, D.D. (1753–1832)

"The eminent founder of the Madras system of education": son of a barber at St. Andrew's: born March 27, 1753: educated at St. Andrew's School and University: ordained, 1784: M.D.: tutor in Virginia, 1774–9: went to India, 1787: in 2 years he had obtained and held simultaneously eight Army chaplaincies: in 1789 he was Chaplain of St. Mary's, Madras, and Superintendent of the Madras Male Orphan Asylum, and there introduced a system of mutual instruction by the boys, who were thus alternately learners and teachers, one half of the class teaching the other half: accompanied]Genl. Braithwaite to capture of Pondicherry, 1793: with a pension from the E.I.Co.,he returned to England in 1797, and laboured hard to spread his system at home and abroad: it was adopted in places: Rector of Swanage, 1801, Master of Sherbinrn Hospital, 1809: as Superintendent, in 1811, of the National Society for promoting the education of the poor in the principles of the Established Church, he could advance his Madras system, but it could not be an entire system of education: he was made LL.D: also a Prebendary of Westminister: gave £120,000 to found a College at St. Andrew's: died Jan. 27, 1832, and was buried in Westminster Abbey: a tablet erected to his memory.