2547335Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 3 — Poultice1802

POULTICE, an external application employed for promoting the suppuration of tumors, or abating painful inflammation; and which is sometimes also called a Cataplasm.

Poultices are generally prepared of bread and milk, to which are added oil, lard, or other unctuous matter, to prevent their adhesion to the parts inflamed. In large hospitals, the consumption of these articles for such purpose being very considerable, while the bread and milk are liable to become sour in warm weather, the following ingredients have, by Mr. T. Payne, surgeon, been proposed as substitutes:—Take, of the finest pollard, three parts; of genuine linseed flour, one part; both by measure; and, of boiling water, four parts: mix these ingredients with a spoon or a broad knife; and they will, in general, form a poultice of a proper consistence, without requiring oil, lard, or other emollient ointment: though, if the inflammation be considerable, a small quantity of oil may be added, to prevent adhesion.