3639240Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, Volume 1 — Hao YüJ. C. Yang

HAO Yü 郝浴 (T. 冰滌, 雪海, H. 復陽), 1623–1683, Sept. 5, official, was a native of Ting-chou, Chihli. He became a chin-shih in 1649 and one year later was appointed an assistant secretary in the Board of Punishments. In 1651 he was made a censor and was transferred to Szechwan as censor of the provincial administration (a post that was later abolished). While supervising the provincial examination at Pao-ning, Szechwan, in 1652, southern Ming troops under Sun K'o-wang and Li Ting-kuo [qq. v.] besieged that city. Bravely defending it, Hao asked for help from Wu San-kuei [q. v.] who was then in command of Ch'ing forces in Szechwan. The siege was soon raised, but Hao Yü antagonized Wu by a memorial to the throne disclosing the latter's ambition. Hao was degraded as a result of accusations which Wu lodged against him and in 1654 was openly accused by Wu of untruthfulness in memorials to the throne. Hao Yü was in consequence banished to Mukden. In 1675, after twenty-one years of exile, and two years after Wu initiated his rebellion, Hao was pardoned and restored to his former rank. In 1677 he was appointed censor of the salt administration of the Huai River region and was promoted in the following year to the senior vice-presidency of the Censorate. Early in 1681 he became governor of Kwangsi, and died at that post two years later.

Hao Yü left 4 chüan of prose works, entitled 中山文鈔 Chung-shan wên-ch'ao; 4 chüan of verse, Chung-shan shih-ch'ao (詩鈔); 2 chüan of memorials, Chung-shan tsou-i (奏議); and 2 chüan of historical essays and comments, Chung-shan shih-lun (史論). He left also 3 chüan of miscellaneous notes, entitled 郝雪海先生筆記 Hao Hsüeh-hai hsien-shêng pi-chi, which was printed in the Chi-fu ts'ung-shu (see under Ts'ui Shu). As governor of Kwangsi he ordered the compilation of the provincial gazetteer, 廣西通志 Kwangsi t'ung-chih, which was printed in 1683. Accused by his successor of illegal appropriation of public funds in Kwangsi, he was posthumously deprived of all ranks and his family was asked to make restitution. But in 1685 the family was pardoned and in the following year, on the plea of his second son, Hao Lin 郝林 (T. 中美, 筠亭, 1655–1732), his ranks were also restored. Hao Lin was a chin-shih of 1682 and served Emperor Shih-tsung as senior vice-president of the Board of Ceremonies (1726).

[1/276/1a; 3/153/9a; 4/64/3b; 18/3/11a; Ting-chou chih (1849) 11/15b, 16b, 15/3a, (1934) 11/17a, 13/17a; 四焉齋文集 Ssŭ-Yen-chai wên-chi 7/17a.]

J. C. Yang