Grand history on curious subjects, both entertaining and pleasant/The Taylor and the Laird

The Taylor and the Laird.

NOW by my needle, sheers, and a’
I mean my bread to won,
With thimble and my lawboard both,
Until my days be done.

But I was rather be a laird,
And have a piece of land,
With wealth of cash into my purse,
My cane into my hand.

Such braw sine clothes the lairds do wear,
Made of the wool so fine,
With ruffles wagging at their sleeves,
When I have rags at mine.

A set of liverymen they have,
Attends them every day,
The lairds they have a canny life,
To spend their time away.

But I have sheers and needles both,
And laboard a’ the three,
My goose is not a-wanting then,
They servants are to me.

So here I can as canty be,
As any laird in Fife,
To earn my crooked pence each day,
And come hame to my wife.

There many a dark and rainy night,
And many a morning soon,
I have to gang thro’ dirty roads,
And whiles I have the moon.

When lairds bide in a sclated house,
Within a plaister’d room,
And warm their shoes and read the news
And never fash their thumb.

Altho’ the hardships many are,
That do attend my trade,
I seldom get a scanty meal,
But whiles a rheeffy bed.

I'll bring my mind unto my lot,
And then I’ll happy be.
They are not come of Adam’s seed,
That are of hardships free.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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