Collection of resources relating to US copyright renewals of periodicals.

Year Renewals
Link OnlineBooks
1954 1926 [1]
1955 1927 [2]
1956 1928 [3]
1957 1929 [4]
1958 1930 [5]
1959 1931 [6]
1960 1932 [7]
1961 1933 [8]
1962 1934 [9]
1963 1935 [10]
1964 1936 [11]
1965 1937 [12]
1966 1938 [13]
1967 1939 [14]
1968 1940 [15]
1969 1941 [16]
1970 1942 [17]
1971 1943 [18]
1972 1944 [19]
1973 1945 [20]
1974 1946 [21]
1975 1947 [22]
1976 1948 [23]
1977 1949 [24]
1978 1950 [25]