History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/4/James L. Langworthy

JAMES L. LANGWORTHY, one of the pioneers of Dubuque, was born in Windsor, Vermont, January 20, 1800. While a boy his father removed successively to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, always keeping in the frontier settlements. In 1821 James made his way to the Galena lead mines on foot and engaged in mining. Having acquired great influence with the Sac, Fox and Winnebago Indians, in 1827 Mr. Langworthy was employed by the Government to accompany General Henry Dodge to negotiate a treaty with these tribes by which they were induced to move to the west side of the Mississippi River. In 1830 Mr. Langworthy and his brother, Lucius, obtained permission to engage in lead mining on the west side of the river in the old Dubuque mines. Several other white men crossed the river, made a settlement in the vicinity of the mines and made rules and regulations as to taking and holding claims on the mineral lands. The Indians made complaint against the invaders and the Federal officials ordered them to leave the Indian country. When the Black Hawk War began, Mr. Langworthy became a scout for General Dodge and served to the end of the war. He returned to Dubuque and again engaged in mining, securing rich veins of ore. Mr. Langworthy and his brother increased their mining enterprises and in 1833 were among the leading citizens of Dubuque. They were foremost in all public enterprises, liberally aiding the schools, churches and railroads. No citizens contributed more to build up Dubuque for a quarter of a century than the Langworthy brothers. James died in March, 1865, and his brother Lucius died in the following July.