Index:Lords of the Housetops (1921).pdf

Title Lords of the Housetops
Author Carl Van Vechten
Year 1921
Publisher Alfred A. Knopf
Location New York City
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Preface, vii
I Mary E. Wilkins Freeman: The Cat, 1
II Guy Wetmore Carryl: Zut, 11
III Algernon Blackwood: A Psychical Invasion, 29
IV Honore de Balzac: The Afflictions of an English Cat, 103
(translated from the French by Carl Van Vechten)
V Booth Tarkington: Gipsy, 124
VI G. H. Powell: The Blue Dryad, 131
VII Mark Twain: Dick Baker's Cat, 144
VIII Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat, 149
IX Thomas A. Janvier: Madame Jolicœur's Cat, 163
X W. H. Hudson: A Friendly Rat, 198
XI William Livingston Alden: Monty's Friend, 203
XII Peggy Bacon: The Queen's Cat, 220
XIII Charles Dudley Warner: Calvin, 226