Index:The Ifs of History (1907).pdf

Title The Ifs of History
Author Joseph Edgar Chamberlin
Year 1907
Publisher Henry Altemus Company
Location Philadelphia
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Preface vii
I. If Themistocles Had Not Beaten Aristides in an Athenian Election 13
II. If the Moors Had Won the Battle of Tours 21
III. If King Ethelred of England Had Not Married the Norman Emma 30
IV. If Columbus Had Kept His Straight Course Westward 37
V. If Queen Elizabeth Had Left a Son or Daughter 47
VI. If the Philarmonia Had Not Given Concerts at Vicenza 56
VII. If the Spanish Armada Had Sailed at Its Appointed Time 64
VIII. If Champlain Had Tarried in Plymouth Bay 71
IX. If Charles II Had Accepted the Kingship of Virginia 79
X. If Admiral Penn Had Persisted in Disowning His Son William 91
XI. If the Boy George Washington Had Become a British Midshipman 99
XII. If Alexander Hamilton Had Not Written About the Hurricane 107
XIII. If Lafayette Had Held the French Reign of Terror in Check 114
XIV. If Gilbert Livingston Had Not Voted New York into the Union 121
XV. If the Pirate Jean Lafitte Had Joined the British at New Orleans 129
XVI. If James Macdonnel Had Not Closed the Gates of Hugomont Castle 138
XVII. If Abraham Lincoln's Father Had Moved Southward, Not Northward 150
XVIII. If Skipper Jennings Had Not Rescued Certain Shipwrecked Japanese 160
XIX. If Orsini's Bomb Had Not Failed to Destroy Napoleon III 170
XX. If President James Buchanan Had Enforced the Law in November, 1860 176
XXI. If the Confederates Had Marched on Washington After Bull Run 185
XXII. If the Confederate States Had Purchased the East India Company's Fleet in 1861 194