Index:Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volume 4 (1798).djvu

Title Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volume 4
Year 1798
Publisher Linnean Society of London
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


Page 1
p. 31
p. 35
p. 44
p. 51
p. 63
VII. Observations on the Spinning Limax. By John Latham, M.D. F.R.S. and L.S. Romsey
Page 85
p. 129
p. 155
XI. Observations on the Flowering of certain Plants. By the Rev. Thomas Martyn, B.D. F.R.S.V.P. L.S. Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge
p. 158
p. 164
XIII. A Description of Five British Species of Orobanche. By the Rev. Charles Sutton, B.D. A.L.S. late Fellow of St. Johns College, Cambridge
p. 173
p. 189
p. 190
p. 193
Page 195
p. 213
p. 224
p. 230
p. 240
XXII. Observations on the Genus Pausus, and Description of a New Species. By Adam Afzelius, M.D. Demonstrator of Botany in the University of Upsala, F.R.S. and F.M.L.S.
p. 243
p. 276
p. 303

1. Tringa maritima to face page 22
2. Tringa nigricans, &c. 40
3. Anomia cuspidata 46
4. Anomiae 47
5. Locusta falvifolia 58
6. Several Species of Polytrichum 76
7. Ditto, 84
8. Spinning Limax, and Dipus canadensis 85
9. Tracheae of various Kinds of Birds 128
17. Orobanche minor & elatior 187
18. Ichneumon punctum and Phasma dilatatum 192
19. Rostra and Maxilae of Ammophila, &c. 212
20. Lambertia fromosa 223
21. Muscicapa malachura 242
22. Pausus microcephalus & sphaerocerus 274