Index:War's dark frame (IA warsdarkframe00camp).pdf

Title War's Dark Frame
Author Charles Wadsworth Camp
Year 1917
Publisher Dodd, Mead and company
Location New York
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
OCLC 1158276575
I The Submarine Zone 1
II The Strange England 14
III Battle, Zeppelins, and Democracy 30
IV Paris and Its War Spirit 44
V Lorraine and the Devastation 56
VI The Sinister Invasion 68
VII The Persistent Bombardment 81
VIII The Amazing Garden 90
IX Between the Lines. 100
X With the British in Flanders 108
XI Hospitals and Headquarters 121
XII Under Fire in a Flat Land 133
XIII The Day's Work of Life and Death at the Front 147
XIV The Appalling Mines 164
XV Gas School and the Artillery 176
XVI The Base 190
XVII The Mad Activity of a Dead City 199
XVIII Where Men Are Like Ants 212
XIX The Grim Game of Intelligence. 220
XX Tragic Secrets 244
XXI The Advance 260