Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 10/Extracts of letters from elders abroad

192180Latter Day Saints' Messenger and AdvocateVolume 1, Number 10, Extracts of letters from elders abroad

page 160From the letters of the elders abroad, we make the following extracts:

Elder L. Jackman, and his fellow laborer write from Flatbush Ill. June 2, that they have baptized 2 since May 4.

William Berry writes from Canton Ill. June 16, and desires the Elders, if they pass that way, to call and help them onward in the cause of truth.

Elder D. Evans writes from Stark co. Ohio, June 30: He has baptized 3 since he wrote last. And desires to have some errors corrected in an extract of his letter, published in the June No. of Messenger and Advocate.—Page 141, second column, first paragraph 6 line, instead of Methodist Episcopal discipline: read "Radical," &c. and second paragraph 7th line, in stead of Sabbath read "Thursday."

Elder J. Blakesly writes from Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. June 12, and says, that he, in company with Elder F. Dutcher, has baptized 10 since May 22.

Elder J. Emett writes at this place, July 2, and says that he in company with Elder P. Dustin has baptized 22 since December last.

Elder L. Jackman writes from Paris, Ill. June 19, and says that he in company with C. Baldwin, has baptized five more since he wrote last.—Editor.

Letters to the Editor, or publishers, of the Messenger and Advocate, must be post paid, or they will not be taken out of the office. Every honest man must see the propriety of our requiring the postage on letters, paid. If we were to pay the postage on a hundred letters, each letter containing a subscriber, the sum might be twenty five or fifty dollars, and where is the profits?