Letter from Ethel. P. Morrish & Edna W. Lewis to August Derleth & Donald Wandrei, May 2, 1941

Letter from Ethel P. Morrish & Edna W. Lewis to August Derleth & Donald Wandrei, May 2, 1941
Ethel P. Morrish, Edna W. Lewis

This letter is more commonly known as the "Morrish-Lewis Gift" that granted Arkham House some rights to the works of H. P. Lovecraft.

59117Letter from Ethel P. Morrish & Edna W. Lewis to August Derleth & Donald Wandrei, May 2, 1941Ethel P. Morrish, Edna W. Lewis

May 2, 1941

Mr. August Derleth
Mr. Donald Wandrei
Sauk City, Wisconsin

Dear Mssrs Derleth and Wandrei:

The undersigned hereby grant you a freehand to further publication of the work of the late H. P. Lovecraft, and also grant you to you the earnings from that work to the amount of your expenditures, and also granting you the right to publish H. P. Lovecraft's work, to receive royalties, sell second serial rights, and, if necessary, first serial rights in connection with such publication, to the amount of the expenses incurred in connection with such publication.

Yours very truly,

Ethel P. Morrish
Edna W. Lewis