Littell's Living Age/Volume 130/Issue 1678/A Lullaby

For works with similar titles, see A Lullaby.


Hush! hush! The night draws on;
The sun has long since set;
And the fast-closing flowers
With heavy dews are wet.
Shut close thine eyes;
Twilight is darkening the skies.

Hush! hush! All sounds are still;
The birds are gone to rest;
The mother-bird keeps warm
Her young within the nest.
Shut close thine eyes,
For the last songster homeward flies.

Hush! hush! The moonbeams fall
Upon the summer leas;
The night-wind murmurs soft
Among the dusky trees.
Shut close thine eyes,
For the last streak of daylight dies.

Hush! hush! The day is done.
Lie down, my child, and sleep;
The silver stars above
For thee a watch will keep.
Shut close thine eyes;
Sweet peace upon thy pillow lies.

Hush! hush! And happy dreams
All through the silent night.
Fear nothing; slumber on
Until the morning bright.
Shut close thine eyes,
For angels sing thy lullabies.

Chambers' Journal.