North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 1/Greetings


With the advent of Bar Briefs the State Bar Association of North Dakota enters the field of journalism. It enters on an unpretentious scale, to be sure, for we prefer to "creep before we walk." But why not a magazine for our organization? Every other organization of any importance has some form of periodical of special interest to members.

Bar Briefs, through this first number, evidences the intention, at least, of being a monthly publication. Whether or not it remains alive at the end of the first year, however, will depend somewhat upon the reception that is accorded it at the hands of the members of the Bar of this State and the amount of funds which properly may be diverted from other channels of expenditure.

The primary purpose in the establishment and, let us hope, the maintenance, of this publication is that of service to the members of the Bar. Its future depends upon the manner in which that purpose is made effective, for through service alone can it make its appeal to you.

If you have items of interest, send them to the Secretary.

A. W. Cupler, Fargo, President
C. L. Young, Bismarck, Vice-President
R. E. Wenzel, Bismarck, Secretary
W. A. McIntyre, Grand Forks, First District
A. E. Wheeler, Devils Lake, Second District
A. M. Kvello, Lisbon, Third District
John Knauf, Jamestown, Fourth District
G. S. Wooledge, Minot, Fifth District
T. F. Murtha, Dickinson, Sixth District

Executive Committee.