2286797Oriental Scenery — Fifth Series, Plate 15Thomas Daniell and William Daniell

No. XV.


An Eed-Gah is a place designed for the performance of solemn festivals by the professors of the Mahomedan religion. The interior of this building is extremely plain, and does not possess any thing worthy observation respecting art. It is of an open quadrangular form, somewhat resembling the courts before the Musjeds or Mosques of the Mahomedans, of which there is an example in the Jummah Musjed of Delhi, in the first series of this collection of Oriental scenery. This view represents a part of the exterior of the building. The general forms are uncommon, as well as the embellishments, which nevertheless are extremely rich and not inelegant. It is said to be of the workmanship of Patan artists.

Exterior of an Eed-gah near Chaynpore, Bahar.