Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race/General Index

2715925Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race — General IndexThomas William Shore


-æenes place-names, 370
Æscings, tribe, 182, 259
Æstyi, people, 54
Allodial, udal tenute, 185, 219, 221, 308
Allotment in Friesland, 148
Alpine race, prehistoric, 106, 110, 118, 151, 153
Ambrones, tribe, 23, 176, 230, 281, 288, 323, 348, 386
Angarians, tribe, 23, 76, 281, 343
Angle place-names, 377
Angles, 34 et seq., 68, 79, 284, 294, 297, 301, 303, 307. 319, 322, 325, 333, 339, 377, 385; confederacies of the, 35, 39; connection with Danes, 39; connection with Goths, 41, 45; connection with Warings, 34, 46; cremation among the, 48; homes of the, 38; inheritance among the, 145, 159, 312
Anglian dialect, 327; runes, 40 et seq.; runes in Pomerania, 44, 101; in Sweden, 61
Anglen, district, 34, 37 et seq., 42
Angul, 11, 40, 124
Archenfeld, customs in, 372, 374
Areosetna, people, 230
Asædesret, 308
Assartland, 202, 203
Astings, 197

Batavian type of skull, 31, 83
Bedfordshire, 344, 350; homesteads in, 350; tenure in, 344; Wend place-names in, 344
-beer place-names, 365
Beornicas, people, 307
Beowulf, 122, 125, 141, 270
Berkshire, 215, 225, 228, 264; cottars in, 263, 274; Gewissas in, 225; homesteads in, 278; inheritance in, 266; Kentish settlers in, 265, 274; Saxons in, 267; Wend place-names in, 264; urns found in, 273
Bernicia, 68, 307, 309, 311
Besingas, people, 4
Bexware people, 198
Billings, race, 37
Blac-, blak-, place-names, in, 112
Blac-, blsec-, personal names, 111
Bleking, 61, 123, 142
Bodritzer, tribe, 92, 93
Boii, race, 155
Bondi, 298, 304
Bondland, 202
Borough-English, vide Junior right
Boructarii, tribe, 22, 27, 35, 53, 318, 343
Bracteates, 44, 81, 101
Brocmen, tribe, 71, 190, 302, 345, 349
Brun personal names, 107
Brun place-names, 108
Brytfordingas, people, 4
Buccings, kindred, 343
Buccinobantes, tribe, 23
Bucgan-ora, tribe. 198
Bucki, tribe, 23, 283, 343
Buckinghamshire, 264, 266, 273, 343; homesteads in, 350; Saxons in, 343 Wends in, 104
Burgundians, 69, 87, 141, 177, 199
-burn, -berge, place-names, 300
-by place-names, 295 et seq., 300, 314
By-law men, burley men, 300

Cambridgeshire, 290; cottars in, 291; lahmen in, 292; Wend place-names in, 291
Celtic race, 106, 110, 129, 520; homesteads, 243; survivals, 242, 320, 351
Chatuarii, tribe, 270
Chaucian race, 73, 75, 200, 260, 268, 270; place-names, 76, 201, 268, 272; urns in England, 76, 273, 286
Cherusci, people, 20
Cheshire, 387-389
Coins, Anglo-Saxon, in Posen, 102; Byzantine, in Gotland, 46; English, in Norway, 64; Roman, in Gotland, 45, 61; in Pomerania, 44
Collinga people, 230
Collingham Cross, runes on, 328
Compurgation, trial by, 172
Cornwall, 361 et seq.; Curi place-names in, 361; inheritance in, 358, 365; ogham inscriptions in, 366; Scandinavians in, 358, 364 et seq.; shires in, 358; stone circles and earthworks in, 366; types of race in, 363; Wendish folklore in, 363
Coscets, 236 et seq., 387
Cotmanland, 203
Cotmanni, tenants, 332
Cottars, 237, 263, 274, 291
Crayford, battle of, 247
Cremation, 48
Crundel names, 224
Cullery tenure, 310
Cumberland, 310, 315, 320; inheritance in, 152, 310
Curi place-names, 361
Curones, Curlanders, 361
Customs of inheritance, 144 et seq.
Custom, of Kent, 183
Custom of London, 254
Cwæns, vide Fins
Cwen place-names, 131, 281, 381
Cwénland, 127, 381
Cystanings, people, 4

Dalecarlians, 138, 317; inheritance among the, 158
Dan, 11, 40, 124, 143
Danelaw, 105, 161, 174, 296, 340
Danes, 35, 39, 79, 121 et seq., 219, 281, 287, 293, 295, 305, 307, 315, 325, 331, 337, 344, 356, 361, 365, 371, 382, 388; connection with Angles, 39, 124; connection with Wends, 98 et seq.
Danish place-names, 121, 219, 287, 295, 340, 344, 356, 365, 371
Dark races in England, 103 et seq.
Daucones, Dacians, vide Danes
Deira, kingdom, 316, 320, 339
Denmark, 123, 124
Deras, Deiri, people, 307, 320
Derbyshire, 337, 339 et seq., 348
Devonshire, 359 et seq.; coscets in, 236; inheritance in, 358, 362; Kentish settlers in, 359
Distraint, freedom from, 184, 253, 314
Dönsk, language, 123, 125
Dorsetshire, 226 et seq., 242; coscets in, 236; tenure in, 235; Winter place-names in, 226 et seq.; Scandinavians in, 227 et seq.
Dubh-Ghenti, 113
Dun place-names, 109
Dunsetas, tribe, 374
Durham, 324 et seq., 333, 334

East Anglia, 283 et seq.; dialects of, 292; inheritance in, 288; Saxon place-names in, 283; Wends in, 282, 287;
East Centingas, people, 193
Eastmen, 55, 64, 122, 130, 136, 138
East Willa, tribe, 92, 239
Eke-names of places, 13, 14
-el place-names, 8
Emisga tribe, 230
Engern, 23, 76, 198, 274
Eocce, tribe, 270, 274
Essex, 250, 279, 282 inheritance in, 280, 282, 289; Kentish colony in, 279 clan settlements in, 282; Wendish place-names in, 282
Esthonians, 129, 130 et seq., 137
Eucii, people, 274

Farisi, people, vide Frisians
Farthingland, 203
Fin race, 126 et seq., 285; place-names, 131, 132, 136, 281, 381
Folklore, Bogie, 342, 364; Esthonian, 131; Hertha, 239; Kelpie, 330; May Day, 341; midsummer, 137; Slavonic, in Cornwall, 363
Franklins of Kent, 251, 276
Freemen, 163, 165, 167; in Scandinavia, 190; obligations of 179
Friesland, inheritance in, 148
Frigefolc, 239
Frisian place-names, 208, 215, 301 et seq., 345, 360; pronunciation of place-names, 70, 200, 324; type of skulls, 83
Frisians, 66 et seq., 81, 186, 190, 201, 213, 215, 248, 254, 260, 268, 273, 283, 289, 301, 312, 322, 345; homes of the, 66; absorption of the, 69; connection with Goths, 50; freedom of the, 191; freedom from wager of battle of the, 254; inheritance among the, 145, 155, 289; language of the, 72, 322, 324; tribes of the, 73 et seq.
Fykey people, 288

-ga, -ges, place-names, 174
Gafol, 133, 280
Gainas, people, 294, 339
Gar Danes, 122, 356
Gavelkind, 158, 160, 182 et seq., 218, 251, 275, 360
Geat, 265, vide Goth
Gepidæ, people, 182
Gewissas, 19, 27, 176, 210 et seq., 278, 357, 385
Gloucestershire, 369 et seq., 381 et seq.; homesteads in, 350; inheritance in, 146, 371; Kentish customs in, 372; Scandinavians in, 369, 370 et seq., 376; shires in, 370
Goda, 265
Godwulf, 50
Götaland, 158
Gothic language, 138 et seq.
Goths, 49 et seq., 139, 181 et seq., 187 et seq., 193, 197, 212, 217, 220, 246, 248, 254, 259, 260, 265, 284, 297, 303, 305, 307, 313 et seq., 370, 372; connection with Frisians, 50; connection with Jutes, 50, 60, 181, 214; connection with Vandals, 57, 85, 223; blending of, with Swedes, 139; trade of, with Greeks, 55
Gotland, Isle of, 46, 55, 57, 60, 195
Gotlands Lagarne, 61
Gower, district, 376, 378
Gumeninga hergæ, 260
Gutaæ, 49, 79, 191, 197, vide Jute
Guthones, 49
Gyrwas, people, 338
Gyrwii, tribe, 294

Hæfeldan, people, 90
Hæslings, tribe, 291
Hæstinga tribe, 197
-ham place-names, 70, 82, 172, 208, 300, 324
Hampshire, 210 et seq., 214 et seq.; Frisians in, 213, 215; Jutes in, 213 et seq.; Saxons in, 213, 215; Scandinavians in, 219; tenure in, 217 et seq.; Wends in, 223
Hassi tribe, 230
Havelli, 230, 283
Haven place-names, 365
Hecanas, tribe, 165, 339
Helsengi, Helsings, tribe, 139, 315
Hengist place-names, 265, 291
Herefordshire, 263, 372 et seq., 376; Kent place-names in, 372; Kentish colony in, 372-375
Hertfordshire, 103, 105 et seq., 116, 344, 345; Wends in, 105, 116
Hertha place-names, 240
Hertha, 239, 240
Heru, 20
Hetware tribe, 270
Hoc- place-names, 78, 268, 272, 302, 345
Hocings, people, 73, 77, 268, 272, 291, 302, vide Chaucians
Homesteads, form of, 10; collected, 195, 243, 278, 334, 350; isolated, 195, 243, 350, 367, 387
Holm place-names, 356, 371
Hope, -op, place-names, 219, 332, 375, 376
Hun, personal name, 82
Hun, Huni, place-names, 74, 326, 360, 383
Hundred, the, 162, 173, 206; Court, 164, 175; names, 174
Hunni people, vide Hunsing
Hunse, Hunte, people, 326
Hunsing people, 73, 75, 82, 318, 360, 383
Huntanga tribe, 73, 74, 82, 230, 345
Huntingdonshire, 345, 346; homesteads in, 350
‘Husbands’ in Northumbria, 333
Huscarls, 47, 233, 260, 343
Hwicci, tribe, 178, 339

Inheritance, customs of, 144 et seq.; systems of, 156, 160; eldest daughter, 152, 202, 225, 259, 266, 309, 312, 341, 365; gavelkind, 144 et seq., 158, 182, 251; junior right, 146, 156, 160; partible, 154 et seq., 182; primogeniture, 153, 154, ‘principals’ in, 202; in Frisia, 155, 158; in Germany, 148, 157, 199; in Norway, 152, 154, 308; Slavonic, 150; in Kent, 156, 158, 160, 182; in London, 250 et seq.; in Sussex, 196, 202; in Wales, 183, 389 et seq.
-ing, -ingas, place-names, 4, 5, 77, 172 et seq., 231
Isle of Wight, 60, 181, 214, 217, 219

Junior right, 99, 146, 151, 160; in England, 146, 151, 196, 205, 256, 258, 276, 289, 318, 335, 337, 348, 379; in France and Belgium, 148; in Slavonic settlements in Germany, 148, 149
Justice, courts of 175, 176
Jutes, 49 et seq., 60, 181, 184, 214, 263; homes of the, 50; other names of, 49, 181

Kent, 181 et seq.; cottars in, 263; ancient divisions of, 193; freedom of people of, 187, 191; inheritance in, 156, 158, 182, 196, 251, 253; Frisians in, 183, 186, 201; Goths in, 182 et seq.; Laetas in, 189; language of, 274; tenure in, 184; monetary computation in, 193
Kentish customs in London, 250; settlers, 248, 261, 262, 265, 359, 372
Kentish Men, 192
Kindred, degrees of, 171; settlements of, 163, 167, 172, 282; responsibility of, 173

Lætas, Laeti, 133, 189 et seq.
Lahmen, 292, 374, 388
Lancashire, 316, 325, 333
Lapps, 127, 133
Leicestershire, 335 et seq., 347; Danes in, 337; homesteads in, 350
Lett, Lech, race, 127, 133, 137, 330
Liberty of the Soke, 279
Lincolnshire, 294 et seq.; ancient organisation of, 299; -by place-names in, 295 et seq., 300; tribal place-names in, 302; Wintr place-names in, 305
Lindisware, tribe, 294, 338
Lithuanians, race, 127, 133, 243
Livonia, 131, 133; well-worship in, 137
Livonian people, 49, 133, 137
Lochlanders, Lakelanders, 63
London, 245 et seq.; cottars in, 262 freedom of people of, 251; freedom from wager of battle in, 254; inheritance in, 250, 256, 258; Kentish occupation of, 246, 247 et seq.; trade of, 254; wealth of Saxon London, 249
Lund, 61, 124, 143, 303
Lund place-names, 303
Lutitzes, tribe, 93, 234, 355

Mæden, vide Mægth
Mægasetas, tribe, 169, 339, 384
Mægth, organization, 163 et seq.; place-names, 169, 170
Maiden, vide Mægth
Malmanni, tenants, 332
Marcomanni, tribe, 155
Maritime regulations, 255; Judgments of Damme, 256; Law of Wisby, 255; Rolls of Oleron, 255; usages of Amsterdam, 255; lay days, in London, 256; in Wisby, 256
Men of Havel, 92, 230, 237, 283
Men of Kent, 192
Meonwara, tribe, 230
-mer, -mir, place-names, 151, 200
Mercia, 178 et seq., 335 et seq.; Danes in, 337, 340; Frisians in, 345; homesteads in, 346; inheritance in, 335, 350; tribes of, 339; Wends in, 341, 344
Merscwara, tribe, 192
Middle Angles, 336, 339
Middlesex, 250, 260 et seq.; cottars in, 263; inheritance in, 251, 256, 257; Kentish settlers in, 261, 262 et seq.
Minorat succession in Germany, 200
Mir, communities, 150
Mœso-Goths, 159, 194
Monetary computation, Greek andRoman, in England, 56; Scandinavian, in England, 56, 194, 228, 333, 341, 388
Mongol tribes, 128, 151
Monmouthshire, 370, 374, 390; shires in, 370

Nail, limit of kindred, 169
Norfolk, 281, 283 et seq., 286, 292; Danish place-names in, 287; inheritance in, 289; Saxon place-names in, 283
Norrena language, 123, 124, 136, 220, 227, 288, 367, 374, 382
Norse, race, 64; customs of inheritance, 152 et seq., 202; place-names, 204, 220, 365, 370, 375, 376, 382
Northamptonshire, 338 et seq.; Danes in, 340; homesteads in, 350; Slavic folk-lore in, 341
Northmen, 59, 63, et seq., 220, 302; agricultural custom of, 331 et seq.
Northumberland, 311, 318, 324, 333; dialect of, 324; Frisians in, 324 et seq.; runes in, 40
Northumbria, 307 et seq., 322 et seq.; Anglians in, 308, 319, 322; Celtic survivals in, 320; dialect of, 324, 327; Frisians in, 318, 322, 326; inheritance in, 152, 308 et seq.; Scandinavians in, 307 et seq.; runes in, 328
Norway, ancient districts of, 63, 177; tenure in, 219, 222, 308; inheritance in, 152, 260, 266.
Nottinghamshire, 337 et seq., inheritance in, 348

Obodrites, tribe, 84, 92, 100
Odal, vide Allodial tenure
Odalsret, 308
Offingas, tribe, 288
Ogham inscriptions, 366, 379
Onsteads, 331
-ore place-names, 204, 376
Ostrogoths, Osgothi, 54, 138, 182, 198
Oxfordshire, 264, 269 et seq., 275; Chaucian place-names in, 273; homesteads in, 278; Kentish settlers in, 275

Parage or parcenary tenure, 217, 235, 276, 312, 347

Partible inheritance, 154 et seq.; in England, 182, 197, 251, 276, 288, 312, 335, 347, 358, 372; in Kent, 182; in London, 251; in Denmark, 161; in Germany, 154, 156, 160; in Sweden, 158
Pecsetna, race, 339
Pembrokeshire, 376 et seq.; Angle place-names in, 377; dialect of, 378; ogham inscriptions in, 379; borough-English in, 379
Pharadini, vide Waring
Phrissones, vide Frisians
Phundusii, people, 74
Polabians, tribe, 93, 94
Pomerania, Anglian runes in, 44, 101; inheritance in, 149, 256
Primogeniture, 144, 147; rural, 152 et seq., 160, 252, 308; feudal, 154, 157, 161, 252
Proof, right of, 172, 297, 299

Quain, vide Fin
Quen, vide Fin
Quénland, 381

Rape of Lewes, 196, 353
Rapes, 203
Regiam Majestatem, 309
Reidgotaland, 75
Reidgoths, 54
River-names, tribal origin 230, 326
Rolls of Oleron, 255
Roman roads, 105, 245, 277, 306, 385
Rügen, island, 47, 87, 234, 329; legends of, 239 et seq.
Rugians, Rugini, 86 et seq., 90, 93, 94, 97, 99. 223, 234, 237, 364
Runes, 40 et seq.; Anglian, 40, 327 Anglian, in Pomerania, 44, 101; in Sweden, 40, 61, 198; Gothic, 40, 46 absence of, on fixed objects in Germany, 42, 284; at Sandwich, 102, 186; in Northumbria, 328; in Shropshire, 385
Ruthenians, 134
Ruthwell Cross, runes on, 41, 328

Sælings, tribe, 142
Sal, Salmen, Saling, tribe, 142, 382
Salic Law, 145
Saxland, 20
Saxnot, 11, 20, 24
Saxon place-names, 19, 201, 283, 302, 360
Saxon shore, 19, 25, 189, 358
Saxons, 18 et seq., 69, 158, 208, 213, 215, 267, 283, 293, 348, 352, 357, 360, 369, 385, 386
Scætt, a coin, 193
Scandinavian place-names, 143, 203, 219, 295, 300, 304, 340, 356, 365, 370, 375, 382
Scandinavians, 38 et seq., 42, 50 et seq., 60, 219, 226, 266, 292, 295, 305. 308, 329, 332, 337, 366, 369, 374
Scilly Isles, 364
Scride Finns, 127
Scrobsetan, tribe, 384
Sem, root in place-names, 200
Semer place-names, 330
Shire Court, 175
Shires, ancient Norwegian, 177; primitive English, 177, 178, 329, 358, 370; organisation of, 179
Shropshire, 361, 384 et seq.; Anglians in, 385; coscets in, 387; dialect of, 386, 389; homesteads in, 350; Scandinavian place-names in, 376.
Sibscraft, 170
-side place-names, 332
Sippe, 167 et seq.; place-names, 171
Skulls, Batavian, 31, 83; brachy-cephalic, 31, 117, 192; dolicho-cephalic, 31, 117; prognathous, 128, 130, 244; from Saxon cemeteries in Germany, 31; in England, 32, 116, 207; 243 et seq.
Slavonic tribes, 93 et seq.; settlers, 84 et seq., 104, 132, 197, 227 et seq., 237 et seq., 264, 282, 287, 303, 341, 344, 363, 372; folklore, 239, 330, 341, 363; inheritance among, 99, 150

Socage tenure, 161
Socmen, Sokemen, 161, 281, 293, 296, 301
Somersetshire, 352 et seq.; Curi place-names in, 361; coscets in, 236; cottars in, 263; Danes in, 356; dialect of, 357; Kentish settlers in, 359; settlers from Sussex in, 353
Sorabian, Sorb, people, 84, 93, 94, 112
Southumbria, 295, 328
Staffordshire, 335, 339, 340; Anglians in, 339, 340
Staple place-names, 9
Stater, a coin, 194
Stormaria, people of, 28, 230
Suevi, people, 23, 30, 267, 287, 302
Suffolk, 281, 286, 288 et seq.; Danes in, 281; dialect of, 292; Frisians in, 286, 290; inheritance in, 288, 290; urns found in, 286
Sumersætas, tribe, 165, 233, 352
Sunninges, people, 267
Surrey, 205 et seq., 258 et seq., 263; settlers from Sussex in, 205; inheritance in, 205, 259
Sussex, 196 et seq., 250; cottars in, 263; Frisians in, 201; hundreds of, 207; inheritance in, 151, 196; mer names in, 151, 200; tenure in, 202; Wends in, 197, 199
Swæfas, vide Suevi
Swalfelda, people, 230
Swan, Sweon, place-names, 140, 302
Sweart personal names, 112, 116
Sweden, ancient provinces of, 63, 142; runes in, 40, 61, 140
Swedes, 138 et seq., 158, 204, 302, 330
Sweons, vide Swedes

Taunton Dean, customs of, 353; Sussex settlement at, 355
Tenants, coscets, 236, 387; cotmanni, 332; cottars, 237, 263, 274; cullery, 310; Læti, 133, 189; malmanni, 332; Venville, 365
Tenure, allodial, 185, 219; cullery, 310; parcenary, 217, 235, 276, 312, 347
Thames valley, settlements in, 264 et seq.; Chaucians in, 268, 272; cottars in, 274; inheritance in, 266, 267, 275 et seq.; urns found in, 273
Theel lands, 148
Thornsæte, tribe, 176, 233
-thorp place-names, 228, 296 et seq., 303, 382
Thuringian Law, 145
Tollenzi, tribe, 327
Tonsetan, Temsetan, tribe, 384
Tremiss, a coin, 195
Trial by compurgation, 172; by ordeal, 166
Tribal law, 163; early jurisdiction, 164; names and rivers, 230
-tun, -ton, place-names, 82, 172, 195
-tye place-names, 205

Udal, vide Allodial
Ugrian tribe, 128, 135
Ultimogeniture, vide Junior right
-um, -un, place-names, 70, 200
Usages of Amsterdam, 255
Usmére people, 384
Uuit, Wit, place-names, 60

Vandals, 85 et seq., 223, 230; connection with Frisians, 70, 71; with Goths, 45, 57, vide Wend
Varini, vide Waring
Venedi, vide Wend
Verania, 47:Vikings, 42, 58, 71, 98, 112, 114, 242
Vita, 297, 299

Wales, Angles in, 377; homesteads in 387; inheritance in, 183, 379; tenure in, 389
Wallerwente, people, 320
Wang place-names, 304, 365
Waring, people, 24, 34, 36, 46, 230, 361
Wealas, 112, 374

Wederas, people, 142, 198, 290, 330
Welatibi, people, 90, 288
Well-worship, 137
Welsh border counties, 369 et seq.; Angles in, 377; Scandinavians in, 370 et seq.; tribes in, 384; ogham inscriptions in, 379; homesteads in, 387
Wend folk-lore, 239, 330, 341, 363; place-names, 98, 105, 115, 119, 197, 229, 264, 282, 287, 319
Wendland, 94, 98, 102
Wends, 38, 45, 84, 104, 197, 223, 227, 264, 282, 302, 341, 344, 364; connection of, with Danes, 98, 104; inheritance among the, 99
Wergeld, 26, 67, 164, 169, 171, 173, 190, 195
Wessex, 178, 211 et seq., 226 et seq.; Gewissas in, 210; Goths in, 214, 220, 223; Saxons in, 215; Scandinavians in, 219; tenure in, 217 et seq., 235; Wends in, 216, 223, 237; Wend folk-lore in, 239
Westgota-lag, 297 et seq.
Westmoreland, 310, 315 et seq.
West Willa, tribe, 92, 239
Wick place-names, 266
Widow’s dower, 184, 253, 257, 275, 316
Wilisc men, 351
Wilsæte, tribe, 165, 176, 230, 233, 238, 240
Wilte place-names, 92, 99, 197, 287, 355
Wilti, vide Wiltzi
Wiltshire, 91, 103, 216, 226 et seq., 236 et seq.; coscets and cottars in, 236; origin of name of, 238; homesteads of, 243; Scandinavians in, 227; Wends in, 227, 237, 238 et seq.
Wiltzi, Wilte, tribe, 84, 89, 97, 155, 197, 224, 234, 237 et seq., 287, 355
Winter place-names, 226 et seq., 229, 304
Winthr, Wintr, people, 226; place-names, 229, 231, 281, 288, 303, 305; personal names, 235
Wisby, 57, 61, 95, 248, 255
Withesland, 304
Witland, 191
Witherigga, tribe, 304
Worcestershire, 383 et seq.; tribes in, 384
Wrocensetnas, tribe, 339, 384, 385
Wrosn, tribe, 329

Ymbraland, 348
Ymbre, tribe, 23, 176, 348, vide Ambrones
Yorkshire, 307, 311 et seq., 314 et seq., 317 et seq., 323; Anglians in, 307, 308, 319; -by placenames in, 314; Celtic survival in, 320; dialect of, 323; Frisians in, 323; Goths in, 313, 314; homesteads in, 334; inheritance in, 311, 317, 318; Slavic folk-lore in, 330; tenure in, 312; Wends in, 319


Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.