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The mixing and baking of cakes require skill and accuracy, in combination with correct recipes. Specific directions are given with each recipe; directions in general are as follows:


Fiour—Should be pastry variety. Sift before mens- uring, add baking powder, and re-sift to mix baking powder thoroughly with flour. If neces- sary to use bread flour, decrease quantity of original recipe 2 tablespoons per cup.

Sugar—Fine granulated insures best texture. Sifted for use in sponge cake.

Butter—Must be excellent quality. May be softened by putting in warmed, dry bowl. Never allow tio melt and become oily.

Eggs—Should be strictly fresh. If separated, beat yolks until creamy and whites until stiff, but not too dry, using egg whip.

Fruits—-Clean well, and dry. Seed and cut raisins in pieces. Candied fruits should be cut finely, peels shredded in narrow strips. Fruits may be added to butter and sugar or sprinkled in layers as batter is poured into pan. Im fruit cakes, add to mixture before flour.